Dorlene • (Random) Body Of A Goddess

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A/N : woke up this morning (12pm) and felt like writing Dorlene which I've never done and this has no relation to Jegulus, Rosekiller or Wolfstar unlike the random Remulus one i did a few months ago (it was in like December) so I've taken it upon myself show some lesbianlove with dorlene <3 image is by on IG♡♡

Dorcas was obsessed. She watched the girl every possible second. She hadnt even noticed the was doing it until one afternoon in the Great Hall they had locked eyes for a little too long and Dorcas' eyes began wandering around her before locking eyes with her again. Then the girl had looked away.

It was bad enough that for some reason the girl and her friends appeared to be around Dorcas and her friends so often and Dorcas was so used to being relatively calm around people that it was bothering her an insane amount that she could hardly sit in the same room as this girl.

The girl in question, if it wasnt obvious, is Marlene McKinnon.

They had dated last year for about a month before Marlene had broken up with her and left Hogwarts. When Marlene had returned 7 weeks later, Dorcas vowed to never involve herself with the girl ever again.

So 4 months later when the girls were arranging a sleepover (Dorcas, Marlene, Lily, Pandora and Mary), Dorcas couldnt think of anything worse. Although the groups had been spending alot of time together (the gryffindors and the slytherins with the exception of pandora), being in such a small group with Marlene wasnt what Dorcas needed at all.

"Ive even picked out some cute pyjamas for you, Cas!" Exclaimed Mary when Dorcas had told her she would sit out. Dorcas couldnt belive Mary would spend money on her. Well now she couldnt say no.

"Oh Mary, you shouldnt have," Dorcas mumbled. Mary rolled her eyes.

"Of course i should have," Mary said, giving Dorcas a bag. "Hope you like it. 9pm. Its only the girls so you needn't worry about anyones raving eyes on you, if you know what i mean,". Dorcas was about to protest when Mary began skipping away, curls bouncing in the afternoon sun. For Mary's sake, Dorcas felt she had to go.

9pm rolled around and Dorcas made her way to the gryffindor dorms. It was pretty much empty in the common room so she got in with a minimum amount of stares and no questions.

What she hadnt expected, was when she entered, to see the girl herself Marlene McKinnon, sitting on her bed crossed legged and only in a sports bra and joggers.


Well Dorcas suppoused it was to torture her because suddenly her mouth was dry and her blood pressure was skyrocketing. Marlene looked up, running her fingers through her blonde hair and grinning at Dorcas.

"Nice of you to join me, gorgeous. The others went to get stuff from the kitchens. I told them I'd wait for you," said Marlene. Dorcas stepped round the first bed and made her way to Marlene.

"How chivalric of you," she snorted. She looked back at Marlene properly and noticed she was entirely unfocused. Actually, she brought to Dorcas' attention how skimpy the silk black night dress was that Mary had given her.

"McKinnon..." Dorcas said, hands on hips. Fuck Marlene wasnt making this easy was she. Marlene smiled, looking back at Dorcas.

"Yes, Cassie,". Dorcas rolled her eyes. People only ever called her Cas. Marlene was a first with the "ie" on the end.

"You were staring, thats all. Got something to say?".

"Yeah.. i actually do. Has anyone ever told you youve got the body of a fucking godess babe,". Dorcas froze. She'd been told many things about her body, more bad than good but this was a first. Marlene seemed to be a first for Dorcas in alot of ways. Marlene stood up, moving so she was directly infront of Dorcas.

"If anyone hasnt, make sure to note i was first," Marlene murmured. Dorcas was probably equally as distracted as Marlene at the moment and she didnt exactly know what to do. She couldnt leave the room but being in such close vicinity with McKinnon...

Suddenly there were hands at her waist.


She could feel Marlenes breath between her neck and her ear.

"Dorcas please,". Marlenes hands froze. Dorcas couldnt help herself. She reached up and kissed Marlene McKinnon.

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