◇Rosekiller◇ • He comes first

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TW: overdose, character death

A/N: slightly complicated storyline, explained at the end!!

Barty and Evan.

Evan and Barty.


Well that's how it was meant to go anyway.

Until Regulus got involved.

See, Evan would never directly blame Regulus for his and Barty's break up, rather himself for not seeing the signs sooner and just breaking up with Barty so he could be with Reg.

Regulus and Barty used to date. Date was a strong word actually, they used to hookup alot and well, Evan assumed there were no feelings involved. Partly because they told him as much and partly because his mind wanted a reason to not give up on Barty.

Evan had liked Barty probably since the first day of their first year when Barty had collapsed into his carriage and fell asleep not even realising that there was someone there. In Barty's defence, Evan had been under the table but still. Then when Barty woke up and finally saw Evan he'd screamed and then laughed hysterically for about 3 minutes 24 seconds (Evan counted). Then he'd crawled under the table and just cuddled with Evan there for the rest of the journey. They'd been inseparable since. It was weird actually but Evan just told himself that Barty didn't give a shit what people thought about him if he was able to so bodly just cuddle up to a random stranger under a table.

Anyways one afternoon in April 3 months+24 days into their relationship (Evan counted), Barty came and sat beside Evan on his bed. Evan looked at him. There was a strange look in his eyes. Like he was deeply sorry for something but Barty was never sorry about anything so Evan couldn't quite place what it might be.

"Babe, what's wrong?" asked Evan, reaching to hold Barty's hand. Barty put his hands under his top instead, bundling up the shirt. it was something he only did when he was nervous - started fiddling with his clothes. Evan remembered Barty doing that when he'd crawled under the table.

"Please don't touch me... I just... I need to... Ev... I..." Barty stammered. Evan sighed.

"Barty, just-".

"I'm breaking up with you," Barty said, quickly, standing from the bed. Evan didnt cry. He knew it was coming but hed just hoped he was seeing things. the little looks between Barty and Regulus over the past few weeks. Evan knew that since he and Barty started dating, Barty and Regulus had stopped their friends with benefits thing but something told him they were never really just friends anyway. It always seemed like more even when they said it wasn't.

"Thats fine, Barty.  Whatever makes you happy. He comes first, I get it". Barty looked away as he left, not sparing Evan a second glance, not replying to his statement. And Evan was alone.

So he went to his trunk.

Right in the corner.

There was a container.

He took all of it.

So he could go to sleep.

That was the last time he ever saw Barty.

A/N: Long story short, Evan died that evening. Barty and Regulus found him there. This oneshot didn't make much sense to me even as the writer but essentially Barty and Regulus were fwb. Barty started dating Evan and stopped with Regulus. Barty later realised he actually still liked Regulus and decided to break up with Evan. Evan didn't realise how hard it broke him until he'd already swallowed every pill in the container.

ROSEKILLER, JEGULUS AND WOLFSTAR oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now