♡Jegulus♡ • Oceans

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Regulus Black was always alone.

James wanted nothing more than to change that.

So he started trying to find the little boy when Sirius stopped talking to him, and attempt to start conversations with him. He started sitting with him in dark corners late at night when he saw the boy on the map. He started holding him when he cried which in itself was rare. He kept asking him to come and stay at his house.

He wasnt aware he was asking for the most beautiful, shining star to enter his life. He wasnt aware he was asking for the biggest revelation of his life. He wasnt aware he was asking for alot when it came to Regulus Black. But it was ok because the moment of realisation that he was infact asking for alot drew them closer than James could've imagined.

It was late one night when he was 15 and Regulus was 14. Not weird (thats what James kept telling himself. It wasnt even a year between them) and James saw Regulus sitting in a corner somewhere in the castle. He decided to go and check on Regulus. He was alone again and that was rarley a good sign nowadays with his best friends Barty Crouch Junior and Evan Rosier always being within 3ft of him. As James tiptoed out of the boys dorm under the cloak, the map in hand, he imagined why Regulus Black could be alone in a corner this time. Usually it was Sirius or parents related but the past few months Sirius and Regulus had been working on their relationship and so it couldnt be that. Maybe parents, though James could imagine how they could disturb Regulus on a quiet Tuesday evening in March.

"Reggie?" He whispered, taking the cloak off as he approached the boy.

"How did you find me?" Regulus mumbled. James wasnt sure where Regulus was looking as he couldn't properly see him but he was sure Regulus was looking at the floor.

"I always find you," said James, sitting on the floor beside Regulus. His distancing clearly wasn't good because Regulus fidgeted with his hands. He was nervous. James was about to move away when Regulus curled up and laid down on James' lap. James automatic reaction was to stroke his hair. Regulus had only done this once before but that was last year and James had cherished the moment. It was around the time he realised he may feel stronger for Regulus than he originally thought.

"Reggie, why are you here by yourself?" James asked, quietly. Usually, he would wait for Regulus to speak first but sometimes he needed a little prompting.

"Father... my father... hes unwell," Regulus began, slowly. "And i dont want to feel worried about him but i am but he's so... evil i just feel like he deserves it in a way but hes my father,". James continued to stroke his hair.

"Its ok to feel bad, Reggie, its normal hes your dad and even though hes not the nicest to you... he still has a place in your heart and thats ok,". Regulus sighed and rolled over so he could see James.

"Really?" He asked, eyebrow raised. "Its ok to care about someone who doesn't care about you at all,". James shrugged. He almost knew the feeling too well and coming from Regulus, it was pretty ironic.

"Yeah. Well i care about you dont i?". Regulus looked near disgusted.

"You think i dont care about you?" He asked. James sighed.

"Well you have no paticular reason to," he said. It was half the truth. He simply felt that he didnt need Regulus to care about him because well... other people did already. Regulus on the other hand, didn't have enough people caring about him.

"Yes i do!" Regulus cried, sitting up. James raised an eyebrow.

"You do?".

"Yes. You help me, and thats more than anyones ever done. You find me, and thats more than i could ask for. Youve tried and tried to save me and thats more than what the oceans could do for me," Regulus said. James reached out and brushed his fingers against Regulus' cheek. He leaned in. Regulus' eyes fluttered shut and just as their lips touched...

James was crying. He was crying for Regulus. But Regulus wasnt coming. Regulus was down in the depths of the oceans somewhere far from James and James was in his garden, staring at the pond somewhere far from Regulus with Harry in his lap. James had regretted every second of that evening after the kiss. He let Regulus go. Regulus had run away, in fear that James would likley shout at him or something. The next morning, Regulus sent an owl- to sirius- to tell him he was at home with their father. A week later, Sirius and James were called into Dumbledores office. Dumbledore told them Regulus was dead. Hed drowned himself. James watched Sirius breakdown before him. He sunk to the floor, wracking sobs pouring out of his body. James well...

He'd just wanted Reggie.

But the oceans hadn't tried to save him.

AN: IM SORRY i wrote this at 3am... er yeah the whole thing was a flashback. James was mourning Reggie years later i couldnt think of where to put the time he was mourning so let's say the night before Harry's 1st birthday just for dramatic effect.

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