☆Wolfstar☆ • Possessive

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• image by @sophithil on IG

Sirius was in love. If it was not love, it was an obsession. He had fluffy brown hair. Gorgeous golden brown eyes. A model figure - broad shoulders and a broad chest. Defined muscles. Unnecessarily beautiful scars littering his body.

The demi-god in question was Remus Lupin.

Also known as the half werewolf who was incredibly strong and currently had Sirius thrown over his shoulder and was walking him out of the bar where sirius had been having a lovely time. Peter, James, Lily, Mary and Marlene were still inside so sirius knew they weren't leaving yet.

"Sirius stop fidgeting," Remus snapped, slowly lowering Sirius to the ground and putting firm hands on his waist. Sirius pouted. Remus was very angry about something, though Sirius couldn't quite place what. he'd sat at the bar with marlene. he'd talked to the bartender. he'd talked to some other tall guy that came to speak to him. the guy sat with him. 5 minutes later the guys buying him a drink. sirius was drunk already but he accepted it. 15 minutes later, Remus is picking him up, throwing him over his shoulder and leaving with him. sirius didn't understand.

"youre being mean to me," he said, folding his arms. remus rolled his eyes, one of his hands moving to play in Sirius' hair.

"you started it," he said, slowly. "flirting with that guy at the bar when you knew I was watching,".

"actually, for your information brains, I didn't know you were watching and I wasn't flirting with him, I just accepted his drink,".

"it could've been poisoned,".

"I'm an animal lupin," Sirius snarled. "if it was poisoned I would've smelt it. and besides, that can't possibly be the reason you ripped me off my seat to bring me outside. you and me both know that,".

"Sirius your drunk," Remus said as though that answered the question perfectly.

"well thanks. great observation. can I go back in?". remus let his hands drop. his face went hard. and before Sirius could react, Remus had pushed him against the wall roughly and was towering over him. and god knows Sirius would let Remus do it over and over and over again because holy fuck did it turn him on.

"so you can flirt with that man again?" Remus breathed, his face too close to Sirius'.

"no moony i-".

"save your breath. once I'm done with you you'll need as much stored in your lungs as is humanly possible,".

"what do you- fuck!". remus' lips were everywhere. his hands were everywhere. He had become almost animal like, biting down on Sirius' neck and running his fingers all over him. and Sirius was completely aroused. He was enticed by the roughness. He was hard and Remus wasn't helping by pressing his thigh against his erection.

"Rem... moony please," Sirius breathed. Moony pulled off him, keeping his index and middle finger in the waistband of Sirius black low rise jeans.

"not here,". sirius allowed Remus to take his hand and lead them back to honeydukes.

"won't everyone ask where we've gone?" whispered Sirius as they went up the stairs. Remus smiled. a cheeky smile. a beautiful, God given smile.

"would only take half a brain cell to figure it out. they've all known about my... attraction to you since 5th year,". Sirius looked up. Remus was looking at him. Sirius studied Remus. half buttoned dress shirt tucked into clean black slacks and golden buckled shoes. a pretty golden chain hung from his neck. an M was on it for Marauders and they'd given it to him on his birthday just passed. It was charmed to occasionally show a picture of whomever of his friends was nearest to him. it usually showed either Lily or Sirius. Right now it showed Sirius.

"5th year?" asked Sirius, coming back to present time. They had reached the portrait of the fat lady.

"yes Sirius," Remus said, slowly, fingers brushing the back of his neck. sirius' skin tingled. "you came back from the summer... incredibly hot. to say the least,". sirius' cock was throbbing with need. he was craving remus. he needed him.

So when they reached the dorm, he pulled Remus down onto his (Remus') bed before they could even add a silencing charm or lock the door. Their lips met in rough, lip swelling kiss.

Remus lupin destroyed him that night.

ROSEKILLER, JEGULUS AND WOLFSTAR oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now