☆Wolfstar☆ • Honours

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(Sirius' perspective)
"Why haven't you though?" Sirius asked, lying across Remus lap. Remus shifted so Sirius' head was placed more comfortably on his lap.

"Because I'm not interested," Remus muttered.

"Sirius, stop disturbing him. He's trying to read," Lily snapped.

"You sat on James's lap when he was trying to plan pranks. I don't see the difference.". Remus smirked.

"The difference being, they were a couple and you two aren't," said Regulus from the floor. Sirius threw a discarded pencil at his brother. Regulus glared at him.

"I mean, Sirius and Remus may as well be a couple," Peter murmured. He was sat opposite Regulus on the floor, attempting to beat the boy in chess (it hadn't worked for 3 rounds).

"What do you mean Pete?" Asked Sirius, propping himself up on his elbows. Remus winced at the sharp pain on his thighs and wrapped an arm around Sirius' torso to pull him up onto his lap properly. He didn't drop his book though. Sirius blushed.

"Well look! And he's always touching you!".

Touching him?!" Remus cried, finally dropping his book. Sirius laughed. He had absolutely no idea what made Peter think he and Remus acted like a couple. They did when they were just joking around but not enough that Peter of all people would notice and not enough that he would point it out.

"Yes, Remus, Peter makes a good point," Marlene said, smiling over-sweetly.

"Oh marls dont you start too," Remus groaned. "Me and Sirius are incredibly platonic-".

"REMUS LUPIN!". Everyone, excluding Remus, jumped at the sound of Mary's voice as she burst into the common room. the few other students in there looked up: some annoyed, some scared.

"TELL ME WHY ROLAND MCGREGOR HAS COME TELLING ME TO GIVE YOU THIS!". she produced a letter. it was unopened, which confused Sirius but he was too busy thinking about why Remus had been hanging out with hot guys like Roland.

"Mary, its homework-," Remus began, calmly.

"no it's not just homework though Lupin. Its a study on the anatomy of your 'really hot' body!" Mary yelled. The room was deathly silent. so silent, you could've probably heard the giant squid breathing.

And Sirius was fuming. he was so angry he didn't even know what to do, but he didn't know why. Remus was one of his best friends so why did it bother him so much that Remus had slept with someone. why did it bother him so much that remus' beautiful, scarred hands had been around someone's neck as they writhed and screamed (likley) below him. why did it bother him that someone else had lived through one of Sirius only un-come-true wishes. Remus wouldn't love him. Sirius had come to accept that back in 4th year when the stupid thing started.

"Remus!". Sirius went running to him and flung his arms around the other boys neck. He smelt lovely. Sirius had missed him. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius' waist and pulled him close.

Holy Shit.

Without saying a word, Sirius had never pulled away from a hug and ran so fast in his life. He ran into the train, sprinting for the first empty carriage he saw and thank fuck it wasn't far. Something was wrong with him. He was flushed. His stomach was turning in on itself. His mind was spinning, remembering the hug. And there it was. He was hard. Hard over his best friend.

"well I said he could. didn't know he'd actually do it though," said Remus. A silence settled, however, after a few moments James asked:

"when was it?". to which Remus replied:

"you truly think I remember every time I sleep with someone?". to which the room went up in an uproar of many questions. such as:

"this wasn't a one time thing?". (it's only been twice with Roland) and "you've slept with multiple people". (god why do you sound so surprised, cas) and "have you done any ravenclaws?". (quite a few, yes Dora) and "how many people?". (about 69) and "Merlin we didn't know you were on a mission to unvirgin the whole school". ("I've only done 6th and 7th years, James, calm down"). Sirius rolled his eyes.

"so is this your way of telling us your gay?" he asked clambering off Remus' lap and standing between his legs, hands on hips.

"I guess. but I didn't-".

"how dare you, Remus Lupin," Sirius snarled. Remus sat up, hands finding their way to the back of Sirius' thighs, pulling him closer so Sirius almost fell forwards into the other boy.

"how dare I what, Sirius? what have I done wrong?". it was a mutual understanding. Sirius was jealous. Sirius knew that Remus knew. And Remus knew that Sirius knew that Remus knew.

"Remus don't-".

"I would never dream of using Sirius, Potter. He's practically an angel. why would I want anyone else if I had him?" Remus murmured. Not once did he break eye contact with Sirius. Sirius felt as though his lungs were about to give way.


"hm?". it was Regulus.

"if you're going up to your dorm, don't forget the silencing charms. my brother and my best friend is hardly something I'd like to hear,".

"you sure, reg. you and James are quite loud," Sirius said, turning his head to grin cheekily at his brother. Regulus smiled.

"Get fucked," he said. Sirius turned to Remus.

"if you'll do the honours,". Remus took his hand.

"of course,".

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