♡Jegulus♡ • Gashes

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TW: blood sort of, mentions of child abuse

James knew something had happend over the summer.

Regulus was pale. Paler than usual. His usually grey-blue eyes were no longer dancing in unexplainable light. His dark hair fell just to his ears in light waves. His pink lips were fixed in a frown. He wore a facial expression that spoke loudly "I am a Black" with all the majestically cold glares he gave to those that passed. Then there was his posture. James didn't miss how straight Regulus was standing with his parents directly behind him. Regulus' head was held up high. His hands clasped infront of him. He was taller as well. Instead of coming to Walpurgas shoulders (about 5'10'), he was now her height and if not slightly taller (about 6'0).

When James caught the younger boys eye, he attempted to smile, resulting in Regulus turning away completely and facing his father. They spoke a few words to each other and then Regulus turned to his mother. He kissed her cheek and lightly brushed her shoulder before resuming his orderly position and walking onto the train. James was terrified. Reggie and him had become somewhat close last year. They had flown together occasionally, studied together and most of the time just sat and talked. Then that one night occurred and although they never spoke about it, it was quite a vivid memory for James.

"I'm sure I hid it under my bed," Regulus murmured, crouching down to get his present for James.

"Well you can never be sure of anything, Reggie, thats what I always say," James giggled. Regulus rolled his eyes.

"You've never said that. And you're incredibly drunk James Potter," he said, emerging from beneath the bed with a nicely wrapped box. James shook it a few times.

"What's in it?" He asked.

"Open it," Said Regulus. James remembered Regulus taking a step closer to him. He tore off the paper and opened the box, taking no time to admire the red velvet of the box itself. Inside was a watch. A beautiful, intricately designed, golden watch. The centre, which the hands were attached to was in the design of a snitch.

"Turn it over," Regulus muttered. And James did. And his eyes began to water. "R.A.B x J.F.P". It was this moment that when their eyes met, a thousand words were spoken. And before long James had his arms around Regulus' waist and was kissing him. He kissed him sensless. And well... one thing led to another and although neither of them regretted it, Regulus swore to him that it was a mistake and it was easier to just stay friends. It wasn't safe. And all James ever wanted was to keep Regulus safe. Even friendship seemed a bit difficult after that as the mutual understanding of wanting more was always between them but never acted upon. James still wore the watch. Infact he hadn't taken it off since, casting charms on it to fit on his wrist so comfortably he often forgot it was even there.

James didn't wait for Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail before rushing onto the train to follow Regulus. It was easy enough to find him. He was in a compartment on his own, looking out of the window. James noted how he didn't let his back touch the seat. Maybe he just didn't want to relax? James slowly slid open the door. Regulus didn't move.

"Are you ok?" James murmured, locking the door behind him.

"Im fine,". James sat down next to him.

"What happened over summer?".

"Nothing that concerns you,".

"Reggie.... I'm worried about you,".

"Don't be,". James sighed. He placed a hand on Regulus' lower back and was understandably shocked when Regulus hissed and jumped away from him.

"Potter, I'm fine. Go and find your friends or something,".

"No. Reggie, tell me what's wrong," James grabbed Regulus' arm this time and the boy jumped but he couldn't escape James' grasp. As he jumped, his back hit the chair. His face showed all kinds of indescribable pain.

"Regulus take off your jumper..." James murmured. Regulus grabbed the turtle neck of the turtle neck fiercely and shook his head very much resembling that of a toddler refusing to eat his veggies. And it was adorable. James couldn't help himself from smiling.

"Potter, leave me alone please," Regulus muttered, looking at his lap. James brushed the black curls out of Regulus' face and studied him carefully.

"Reg, I won't say anything I promise. Just... show me... please. I'm not leaving until you show me,". Regulus sighed and pushed James to the side slightly so he could remove his jumper. James breath caught in his throat and he almost choked on it. There were gashes, sharp and jagged all over Regulus' back as though someone had taken a garden rake and brutally smashed and scraped it across the poor boys beautiful milky skin. Regulus stood and pulled the jumper back on, evidently wincing as he did so. And he left.


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