☆Wolfstar☆ • Man-Whore

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• image by @sophithil on ig

Sirius crept carefully over to James' bed, pulling back the curtains and crawling in. James was asleep but Sirius wasn't bothered about that. He just lay next to his best friend and listened as the other boy stirred beside him.

"Whats wrong, Padfoot?" he asked, yawning as he turned over to face Sirius.

"Remus! He's messing with my head!" Sirius exclaimed. James raised an eyebrow, sensing a rant about the tall brunette werewolf.

"How so?" he asked.

"I've just found out he slept with Roland McStreet yesterday. Of all people! Why has he gone through half the school in just a month. What's the matter with him?!" Sirius exclaimed. James sighed. Sirius frowned. This was becoming a common thing: Sirius would update James every night about who Remus' newest victim was and then would make lists of why he was so much better than them. But of course, Sirius knew 101 reasons why he wasnt better, he just didnt voice those to James. Or anyone for that matter. Except Regulus. Regulus understood.

"Not half the school Sirius, hes only been with 6th and 7th years-," James corrected.

"That we know of," Sirius grumbles. James choose to ignore that.

"And anyway, have you thought to maybe ask him. I mean hes the one having sex left right and centre so i think hed know his reasons more than i would," James finished. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"He shouldn't be having sex left right and centre anyway! What happened to "i dont want people to see my scars and ask so many questions" ?! I dont get it-".

"Sirius, he stopped caring about that years ago when you told him his scars were sexy after seeing him half naked," James pointed out. Sirius groaned. He remembered it so vividly.

"Moony!" Called Sirius. He opened the bathroom door. He hadn't expected Remus to be at all undressed as it was late in the evening and he assumed the other man had been brushing his teeth or something.

"Whats wrong, Sirius?" Asked Remus, adjusting his towel around his waist. Sirius couldn't stop staring. He heard people coming up the stairs to the dorm and slammed the door so it was just he and Remus alone in the bathroom. Remus raised an eyebrow and approached Sirius to get his clothes off the bathroom door. Sirius scrambled to the side.

"I just uh... didnt want anyone to invade your privacy," Sirius said. Remus smirked.

"So you arent anyone?" He asked. Sirius shook his head, barely trusting himself to speak.

"Sorry, i uh... i was hypnotized i guess," he said.


"By your scars...".

"Oh. They look horrible dont they?".

"No! No, Moons, they're actually really fucking sexy,". Remus flushed and pulled a vest over his head.

"Thanks, Padfoot,".

"He must've thought i was a right freak saying that after locking him in the bathroom," Sirius muttered. James smiled.

"Not exactly," he said. Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know something your not telling me?" He asked. James was grinning now, far too happy about this.

"Ill tell you in the morning," he said.

"Its fucking 2am, it is the morning,".

"Ill tell you once youve slept and woken up,". Sirius rolled his eyes. He kissed James on the cheek and clambered out of the bed. James rolled his eyes but he was smiling when Sirius shut the curtains. Sirius crept across the room and got into his own bed but he wasn't yet tired. He wasn't even under the duvet. He was high on adrenaline and could hardly handle lying there just knowing Remus was a few-

ROSEKILLER, JEGULUS AND WOLFSTAR oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now