♡Jegulus♡ • Drowning (Poem)

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Regulus felt like he was drowning.
Which he was.
He hadn't expected the pressure on his chest to hurt this way and the cracking of his heart to hurt
this way and the throbbing of his head to hurt this way.

James felt the trust was broken.
Which it was.
He hadn't expected the pressure on his chest to hurt this way and the cracking of his heart to hurt this way and the throbbing of his head to hurt this way.

But heartbreak was a sad thing, so the boys were realising, and trust was a fragile thing, so the boys were realising, and the heart was a delicate thing that could be ripped to pieces like wet paper in a matter of seconds.

James and Regulus had learnt the hard way.

Now they were alone with heartbreak, broken trust and Regulus lay at the bottom of the ocean in the dark where James would never see him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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