◇Rosekiller◇ • Bathroom

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(Image by @industrations on IG)

Barty and Evan were inseparable. Everyone knew that. So when Evan started avoiding Barty, he knew something was wrong. So Barty started seeking out Evan at every second of the day. After classes he tried to speak to him. In the dorm, he tried to get him to stay behind before breakfast. Nothing worked though. Somehow, Evan was a skilled avoider and managed to ignore Barty for an entire week before Barty finally managed to talk to him.

He had crept into the bathroom and cast multiple locking charms on the door, despite Evan not having his wand to undo them. The shower turned off and Evan stepped out, shaking his blonde curls. Bartys mouth went dry and he fumbled with the door handle to leave.

"Barty?" Called Evan. Barty turned slowly. Thank merlin, Evan had a towel on now. Well... nevermind.

"Hey, Ev. I uh... wanted to talk to you," Barty said, not looking Evan in the eyes. He looked down and regretted that decision immediately as his eyes were drawn to Evan's groin area.

"Oh? In the bathroom?" Evan laughed. Barty smirked.

"Sorry, didn't really know how else to get you alone. You see, you've been- what're you doing?". Evan had let go of the towel, allowing it to drop slightly lower down his waist, to apply cream to his face and arms.

"Moisturizing. Otherwise my skin will go dry," Evan said. Barty nodded slowly, attempting to not stare at Evans hips. God, and he thought he couldn't be more attracted to the boy.

"Right... um so... you've sort of been... well... no but... uh..." Barty stammered. Evan raised a sceptical eyebrow.

"You've been ignoring me for like a week and I don't know what I did wrong and I really miss you and I really want to talk to you again and I just am really really sorry and-,".

"Ignoring you?". Barty looked up, finally meeting Evans eyes.

"Yes, haven't you? Well it's just, you dont speak to me anymore and I can never seem to find you," He said. Evan blushed, looking away from Barty. Barty folded his arms, waiting for an answer impatiently. He was getting irritated quickly. And with his Evan, that was unusual.

"I haven't meant to ignore you, Barty... well ok yes I have but it's for unexplainable reasons at all," Evan said.

"What do you mean unexplainable reasons?" Snapped Barty. Evan rolled his eyes.

"Well, they're unexplainable. I don't know, ok! For some fucking stupid reason, you decided to come back looking like a fucking model after Christmas and now I can't stop thinking about you and it's not fair and you seem to think it's ok to get in my bed at night not knowing the things that causes me! I can hardly sleep knowing there's a fucking astro-god beside me! So I stopped sleeping in the dorm and when I did I locked the curtains and I stopped hanging out with you but somehow you still manage to find me!". Evan was breathing deeply, barely holding his towel at this point, revealing one of this legs. He was staring at Barty, as if daring the boy to ask him a question. Barty had alot of questions. But he wasn't going to say any of them. He didn't want Evan to throw him against a wall and- well... thinking about it like that.

"I'm confused," Barty murmured. He only said it to get a reaction out of Evan. And a reaction he received.

"I FUCKING LIKE YOU BARTY, WHAT ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT!!". And Evan pushed him into the closed door. And arousal pooled to Bartys lower abdomen. He was hard. Evan was panting heavily, staring at him with anger in his eyes. Not just anger. Lust. Want. Crave. Attraction.

So Barty kissed him.

And Evan kissed him back.

And Evan kissed across his jaw and down his neck. He bit and sucked leaving marks along Bartys pale skin. Claiming him.

Barty was addicted. He pulled Evan closer, grabbing fist-fulls of his curls and feeling all along the other boys bare back with the other hand. His skin was soft. It was kissable. It was beautiful. Evan kissed down Bartys shoulder, pulling his loose-fitting black top over his head for more access. And Barty let him.

"How long till dinner?" Evan murmured breathlessly, removing his lips from Bartys skin for just a moment.

"15 minutes," Barty said, sparing a glance at his watch. A cheeky smile crossed Evans lips.

"Get on your knees,".

And when Evan gives an instruction, you comply

So Barty complied.

ROSEKILLER, JEGULUS AND WOLFSTAR oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now