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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"Today is the day. Today is the day he will notice me." I smiled to myself in the mirror, rubbing my hands against my curves, I got deja vu just from doing a gesture, well I mean I've been to atleast over 150 of their races..

But over all of those races, I've observed every girl he's brought in his car. Every girl he speaks to and every girl he's attracted to.

I put on the same style of clothes, a short black skirt with a slit on my thigh, a black shirt with fishnet wrappings down the middle. It showed a lot of cleavage.. I'm impressed with myself. Oh can't forget the black strapped heels.

I smiled at how good my makeup looked, the smudgy eyeliner surrounding my eyes, making my eye color stand out.

I got deja vu by every single step I made. This was a normal routine to just dress up for a race. I mean i'm in love with Bill.. I've done everything for him, I know where he lives, I know every detail about him. He's for me.. and tonight's the night I'll finally have him.

I ran my fingers through my dark brown curly hair before stepping outside. I gasped, sliding my lace gloves on, pulling on my wrist to get them to fit correctly.

I saw a taxi labeled "46" the same one I've normally used. I waved it down while smiling like always.

I opened the door, jumping inside waiting for him to ask me where I'm going. "Hey Valeria. The race?" He smiled. I nodded, pulling my wallet out and grabbing a $20 bill, holding it in my hand. He gave me a toothy grin while starting to drive off.


"Here we are m'lady." He smirked. I smiled brightly while handing him the 20. "Like always keep the change sweetheart." I winked, stepping out of the car. Immediately running to the front of the crowd to get a good look on Bill.

I got to the front of the crowd. I watched 3 Audis pull in front of the crowd, facing the road while still being in the crowd's vision. Everyone around me started screaming as all 3 of them got out of their cars. I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Bill!! Choose me!!" I screamed.

Bill looked around the crowd, scanning for a girl to take in his car. His attention went on me and the guys around me, the first thing that came to mind was "Act fast". I grabbed the guy beside me, digging my nails into his arm. I started giggling on purpose as he gave me a disgusted face.

"You're so funny!! Oh my god..Stop making me laugh...!!" I giggled loudly, pulling on his arm. I widened my eyes to see Bill walking towards me, I felt my heart race. I kept pulling on the random guys arm til he pushed me off. I scoffed at him.

"The fuck is your problem dude?" I rolled my eyes while crossing my arms. I felt a shadow standing over me, causing me to turn my attention to it. To my surprise. The one I've waited for, all these years.. Bill.

"Hey babe.. How would you like to go for a ride? I can give you a better time than these guys." He smirked, grabbing my hand from my arm, caressing his thumb slowly. I smiled brightly.

"Of course.." I giggled, stepping under the taping, my dress pulling up a bit. He smirked once more, licking his bottom lip. "Fucking finally." I thought to myself.

All I felt in my body in this moment was pure happiness. I felt as if I could murder someone with my own fingernails.. if that's even possible. "Well princess.. I'm happy I finally have a beautiful woman like you to be my passenger. Are you excited?" He spoke with lust and joy in his voice. I smiled brightly while nodding. "Also what's your name sweets?" He snickered.

"Valeria.. You can call me Val tho." I grinned, gripping his hand. He smirked, walking me to his car.

"You're gonna have so much fun. If you don't, i'll make it up to you." He winked, pulling me to the passenger side, he put his hand on my waist. He rubbed his thumb in circular motions while opening the passenger door. "Hop in beautiful. I'll be in soon." He smirked.

"Thank you." I breathed out while sitting down in the cushiony black car seat. I immediately smelt an expensive cologne. I hummed at the smell of him. I'm finally living my dream. Now just to make him stay. I raised an eyebrow, bringing my attention to his glovebox, I smirked to myself while opening it. The only thing I saw were white papers, and a black binder.

I looked out the windshield for the sight of Bill. I saw him talking to Tom and Georg, I smirked once again. I grabbed the binder, immediately opening it and going through it. I raised an eyebrow, the first page on the binder saying something about a lease..? About a club. I hummed while reading it, I closed it putting it on my lap.

I jumped, seeing him walk back towards the car, I quickly shoved the binder back in the glovebox. I pulled the hem of my dress up to show more of my legs. I put my right leg over my left one, I examined my painted nails.

"Yeah yeah whatever you'll lose." Bill scolded while jumping into his seat. He turned his head to look at me, we made direct eye contact, causing my knees to buckle. I smiled softly. "You ready?" He smirked, putting his hand on my thigh, gripping tightly. "I'm always ready." I said while bringing my hand up to his face. I caressed his cheek. I brought it down after I heard someone honk.

"Everyone ready?" A girl from outside said. I saw Bill make eye contact with her. I felt jealousy in my body boil up, I grit my teeth a bit, biting the tip of my tongue. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Bill honking. I huffed, getting my back pushed into the seat due to him taking off at a fast speed.

I widened my eyes, his hand still gripping my thigh. I watched as his knuckles on the wheel turning white, I gasped, feeling my body slam against the door as he turned sharply. I felt my whole body shift at every movement the car made.

"You okay?" Bill asked with sweetness filling his voice. I nodded quickly while grabbing his hand that was still placed on my thigh.


"Fuck yes." Bill grunted while turning sharp once again, meaning he won the race. I smiled and put my arm on his shoulder, rubbing up and down. He turned his head to me and smirked. "You did so well princess." He cooed.

"Thank you." I giggled, running my hand across his pants. I widened my eyes, noticing his slight bulge. I smirked, he raised an eyebrow, grabbing my wrist and moving it back to my lap.

"Not yet sweetheart." He whispered, making me feel his hot breath on my neck, causing me to shiver. "I'll take you home and show you what a good time is." He breathed out. I gulped, gripping on my skirt.

"When..?" I asked with an eyebrow raised, messing with the lace of my gloves. He smirked, bringing his hand to cup my cheek, I slightly smiled while laying my head in his hand. "When this is over." He gripped my thigh once again.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now