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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I pulled my black hoodie over my head before stepping closer to the bedroom door. I glanced at Bill sleeping. "This is for us." I muttered to myself before shoving my knife into my pocket. 

I softly walked down the stairs slowly, making sure to not leave a single mark or sound behind. The tv in the living room was left on from the night before. It continued to talk about first world problems. I jolted, hearing someone humming from the kitchen. I peeked my head over the wall that hides the stairs. 

Gustav sat with his gaze focused on the microwave as it spun, a slight vibration could be heard from it. I sighed, leaning my back against the wall, waiting for him to leave. 

After what felt like forever but only like 3 minutes, he went back to his bedroom. 

I smiled to myself, gripping onto my handbag and making my way to the front door. I wrapped my hand around the doorknob, sucking in a deep breath before opening it. 

I stepped onto the hard, rocky gravel. The head o my sneakers dug into the rocks, I sighed, beginning to walk to the end of the long driveway towards the gate. 

The silver gate shined against the bright moonlight, I looked down at my wrist, pulling my hoodie sleeve back to look at the time on my watch. "12:17AM" I clicked my tongue, stepping beside the gate. It made a static noise.

I stepped over the electric fence, I snickered. "If they don't want people getting in, then they need a taller fence."


I pushed the window open, at least enough for me to crawl through. The smell of musky cologne instantly filled my nose. I narrowed my eyes as I looked around the rooms while I crawled through. 

Humming could be heard, getting closer to the door. I smirked as it got farther and farther away, I cracked the door open, peaking my head through, looking left and right.

I pulled my knife out, taking light steps out the bedroom into the hallway in what looks to be the kitchen and living room entrance. 

There she was. Focusing on the tv as the water boiled from the stove, I noticed the box of pasta beside the pot. 

She slowly turned round, jumping at the sight of me. "What the fuck? Who are you??" She yelled, stepping backwards against her counter. I shook my head, chuckling.

"Valeria. Nice to see you, one on one.. Yui."  I smiled, getting closer to her, moving my knife behind my back. She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head. "Hi? Why are you here?" She spoke, freezing in her place. 

I pushed her more to the counter, allowing me to be directly in front of her. I pulled my knife to her face, dragging it across her jawline as she shuddered. 

"What are you doing.." She whispered, trying to move back even more. I smiled, bringing it down to her neck. "Isn't it obvious..? I'm here to kill you, silly." I chuckled.

"Bill is mine. And always will be." I said, leaning against her ear. Her eyes widened as she gasped, Pushing my chest with her free hand. "Are you fucking psycho!? I'm a lesbian!" She shouted.

I widened my eyes, clenching my fists. I walked back up to her, pushing the tip of my knife against the side of her neck. "Well.. Too late, now you know what my intentions were." I giggled before dragging it against her throat.

She gurgled, widening her eyes as her hand went up to grip her neck. She looked up at me before she slid down the marble counters. I smiled as she choked out blood, it splattered on my hoodie, causing me to scoff.

I groaned, slipping the hoodie off, placing it on her lap.

Time to go home to my sweet Bill.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now