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I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Every bone in my body began to ache as I remembered I could've saved him if I was faster. My little brother would still be here if it wasn't for her.

"Tom?" Sophia yelled out. I sighed, my head hanging low. "Yes?"

"Are you okay in there...?"

"Yes... just, cleaning myself up. I'll be out in a moment," I shouted, my voice echoing throughout the bathroom. 

I heard her sigh before hearing her footsteps get farther and farther away from the door. I looked down, glaring at the gun shoved between my pants and belt. 

I felt my throat tighten, my face heating up as tears filled my eyes, making my vision go blurry. I pulled it out from my belt, scanning over the black-painted pistol. Multiple tears began streaming down as the initials carved into it stuck out. 


I chuckled, placing it down on the counter. I heard footsteps get close again. "Tom..? Please come out," Sophia begged, I heard her head lean against the door. 

I shook my head, grabbing the gun from the counter before cocking it. I raised it to my temple, breathing slowly in and out as tears continued to stream down my face. 


"Please come out,"

I slowly pressed down on the trigger, I glanced up at myself in the mirror. 

I chuckled, shaking my head as my legs began to ache.


I flinched, hearing a loud bang, almost like a gunshot. I gasped, moving my hand over my mouth before jiggling the door knob. "Tom?!"

"Tom! Please open the door..." I sobbed, falling down the side of the door. 

I banged on the door with my fists, my knuckles turned red from the contact of the rough wooden door.

I breathed in and out heavily, trying to regain my breath. I leaned down, crawling on my hands and knees, checking under the door. I gasped, seeing a puddle of blood and a small shadow and his braids laid out on the floor. 

My forehead leaned down to the floor, and I sobbed against it. 

I stood up as fast as I could, almost falling over. I ran to our bedroom, grabbing my phone as fast as I could. I dialed Gustav's number, shaking violently as it rang. 

"Hey? What do you need," He asked.

I sobbed, trying to get words to come out. "I-it's Tom. He's d-dead. He shot himself," I cried out, my knees slowly giving out. 

"Oh... shit. I'm on my way." 

He hung up before I could speak. I glanced around to room, searching for something to open the door with. I narrowed my eyes at my vanity. I quickly ran over, searching for a hairpin in my drawer. I grabbed one and quickly ran back to the bathroom.

I put it through the lock, twisting it back and forth. Tears kept falling, hitting my hands as I continued jamming it into the lock, attempting to unlock it.

I heard a click. I chuckled, quickly pushing the door open. 

I gasped, more tears coming down as his lifeless body lay there against the cold tile. "No, no, no, no..." I yelled, straddling over him. 

I grabbed his face, shaking it over and over again.


"Please, Tom. Y-you can't..."

I choked on my words, leaning my head down to his neck, slowly breathing in his scent. 

"Tom... please, I love you so much. You can't leave me, not like this. Please." 

I leaned back up, putting my hand on his neck to check for a pulse. I shook my head as there was... nothing. I put my ear against his heart, and I widened my eyes, hearing it pulse. 

I leaned back up, shaking his shoulders. 

"Fuck! Come on, Gustav..." I said through gritted teeth. I slowly leaned back down, hearing it one last time before it went blank, nothing there anymore. 

I shook my head, continuing to sob. I looked to my side, my leg being covered in blood, along with my hands. 

I grabbed his arm, putting it over my back as I laid down on him.

I sobbed into his chest, feeling his cold lifeless body against me.

"I'm sorry, Soph," Gustav whispered, placing his hand on my back. I screamed into Tom's neck, holding him close.

"You gotta let him go..." He muttered, grabbing my arm in an attempt to pull me off him. I shook my head, groaning as it was muffled into Tom's blood-soaked shirt. 


I stood outside, my body shaking due to the weather. Gustav had his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. I sniffled, feeling my chest begin to ache, and my head pounding as well. 

My hands shook more as they gripped Gustav's shirt.

I watched as strangers walked out of my home, holding my boyfriend's body, covered in a white cloth. I practically screamed into his chest, as I slowly slid down to the ground. I covered my eyes, sobbing against my hands.

"It'll be okay..."


𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now