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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"Come on, I know you want me.." Bill smirked while grabbing my wrist, pulling me into his house. I felt my heart race at his words. "Of course." I smiled, feeling him pick me up bridal style. He carried me upstairs, his house is so clean and nice. Which I already knew.

He slammed his door open, laying me on his bed. He leaned on top of me, holding eye contact. I brought a hand up to cup his cheek, I leaned in, planting my lips on his. His hand slid down to my waistline, his fingertips sliding against the start of my skirt. I gasped lightly.

"It's okay.. I won't hurt you." He mumbled, I nodded quickly. The tip of his tongue slid over my bottom lip, I parted my lips slowly, humming at the sensation. His hand slid down to my panties, lightly tugging. He pulled them down my legs, pulling away from the kiss. He came back up to my face, I felt him smash his lips back on mine. He brought his hand up to my inner thigh, rubbing circles, causing my breath to hitch. I mumbled against his lips. He hummed while tilting his head to deepen the kiss.

His fingers ran over the slick of my folds, I let out shaky moans into his lips. He grinned against my lips, hearing the sweet sounds he caused.

I pulled away from the kiss, moaning softly as he rubbed my clit in circular motions. "Too much..?" He smirked, moving his fingers faster as the seconds went by. I shook my head, leaning my head back. His head leaned into the crook of my neck, nipping at my skin, leaving love bites and slight marks from his teeth grazing.

He slid his pointer and middle finger into my pussy, pumping them slowly, moving his thumb to rub my clit. I trembled under his touch, breathing heavily. He hummed, pumping his fingers even faster than before.

"P...Please..Bill." I said through my fast panting. He tilted his head, looking at me with a mocking frown.

"Please what? Speak with your words love." He smiled while slowing down.

"Please.. fuck me." I breathed out.

"Good girl." He smirked while getting off of me. I sat up slightly, I watched as he unbuckled his belt, letting his pants fall down. He continued to slip his boxers off. I widened my eyes at the size. He sat back on the bed, sitting on his knees, aligning himself between my legs. I felt his tip tease my clit, I looked up at him with doe eyes. He smirked, slowly entering. He groaned as I moaned softly, I panted, taking his whole length. His eyes clenched shut as his mouth hung low as well, his nails starting to dig into my hips. I winced feeling him start to slowly thrust.

I moaned softly as he moaned huskily. He pecked my lips, just to instantly go back up to the same position to look at my face.

"Fuck. You're so tight." He said under his breath as he started to quicken his pace, I felt my lips quiver, whimpering as I laid my head back to touch the pillow. He slid a hand down, rubbing my clit. I felt my legs weakening. I moaned loudly, gripping on the sheets with my left hand.

"You're so good for me princess, you're doing so well." He groaned, going faster each second. I tried speaking but nothing came out, I was breathless. "Such a good slut. Letting me fuck you to the point where you can't even speak." He breathed out.

I widened my eyes, snapping out of it, feeling him hit my G-spot. I moaned loudly, moving a hand up to grip his shirt. "Bill.. You feel, S-so good.." I got out between moans. He smirked, beginning to pound into me, I rolled my eyes back, practically screaming at this point. I turned my head to the side, still gripping my fingertips into the sheets. He brought his hand to my chin to force me to look at him. "You like it when I fuck you this way? Hm? Tell me baby." He panted through each word. I nodded quickly, he shook his head.

"Use your words." He said with a stern stare.

"Y-yes.. I love it." I mumbled, moving my hands to his shoulders, digging my nails into them causing him to wince. I clenched my eyes shut, my mouth hung low, nothing but loud moans coming from my mouth. "Fuck I'm close." He grunted, picking his pace up again. I arched my back, moving my hands from his shoulders to the pillow under my head. "M..Me too." My moans becoming breathless once again. He continued to pound into me, still gripping my hips, I felt a knot form in my stomach. I widened my eyes, moaning his name loudly. My body shuddered as I came, his thrusts becoming sloppy as He pulled out, pumping, and slowly cumming on my stomach.

He smirked as he took two fingers, swiping some of his cum up and placing the fingers in my mouth. I sucked them clean, making him grin at me.

"You did so well princess. I need more girls like you." He smiled, laying beside me and pulling me to him.

"Maybe I'm the only one you need." I giggled, putting my pointer finger over his lips, pulling it down to make a pop sound. He chuckled, pulling my wrist away.

"Mm maybe so. I wouldn't mind."


𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now