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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"What that Tom's a murderer? It's expected.. Kinda sick honestly." I chuckled, grabbing his hand. He smiled slightly turning his head to meet mine, I rubbed my thumb back and forth on his hand as he drove to his house.. atleast I'm assuming.

"Val.. Do you wanna be my main passenger?" He asked, his gaze focused on the road. I widened my eyes, gasping as he spoke.

"I mean.. Obviously." I giggled, looking out the window. I saw the reflection of his smile in the window.

"That means you have to go to every single race and be by my side every second of the day." He said while turning into a long gravel driveway. I raised an eyebrow due to the gating not looking the same as his house.

"Okay. I'll do that, anything for you." I smiled, still holding his hand. We got closer to the house, I noticed 3 other cars parked close together that were also familiar. The others.

"I'm gonna introduce you to everyone else. You'll get along with Sophia, she's Tom's passenger." He stopped the car, opening his door, walking to the side I was on, opening the door and grabbing my bag. He stepped to the side, allowing me to step out as well, he put his arm on my back, rubbing up and down. I smiled as we walked up the steps to the white double doors with golden handles. I gasped at the cold touch. "Let me open it, this door is quite heavy." He chuckled while pulling it open. I nodded, stepping inside to see a girl on my left, with brown hair sitting at a kitchen counter, eating a sandwich. On my right I saw 3 guys whispering stuff to each other, soon after turning their attention to me and Bill after the door closed.

"Hello Valeria. I've heard so much about you." Georg smiled, grabbing my hand. I gave a slight disgusted look, pulling my hand out of his grasp. He nodded, stepping back. Tom gave me a weird look. Gustav just smiled at me, the girl smiled as well.

I gulped, stepping back to stand next to Bill. He grabbed my waist, leaning down to my ear. "Don't worry, they'll love you." He whispered, causing me to shiver. I nodded, gripping on his wrist. He pulled me to the kitchen, pointing to the seat in front of the counter. I sat down, staring at the white marble. I dragged my finger along the lines of it. I sighed, kicking my feet back and forth. "Hi Val. I'm Sophia." She smiled, I looked back at her. She had black hair that framed her face perfectly, a slim nose, round and wide brown eyes, plump pink lips. I gasped at her beauty.

"Hi.. You're so pretty." I cooed, looking back at Bill to see him putting a black styrofoam box into a microwave. I moved my eyes back to meet hers. "Thank you. You're pretty too." She gave me a heart warming smile. I grinned, bringing my attention back to Bill, he grabbed the box out of the microwave. "Eat. I'm sure you're hungry." He said while sliding it to me. I nodded, opening the box. I saw a burger with fries. I hummed at the yummy sight.

"Bill, I gotta talk to you." Tom said with a stern stare. I raised an eyebrow, looking at Bill. He nodded, walking towards Tom. I looked back, seeing them whisper to each other. I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of the burger. The hell is he being so weird for?

"Sorry they're being kinda weird, if you didn't hear Tom's got some stuff going on.." Sophia sighed, picking up a fry from her plate. I hummed and nodded, taking another bite from the burger.

"Girls get ready, race is in 35." Tom yelled while running up the stairs. I raised an eyebrow, placing the burger down and grabbing my bag.

"Come on I'll show you your room." Sophia smiled while motioning towards the stairs.

"I have a room?" I questioned, following behind her. I pursed my lips as she nodded.

"Of course. You know you're staying here, right?" She questioned, opening a door to reveal a white bed with silk pillows, gold detailing on the blankets and a gold ring around the top to leave a canopy to hang off it. I gasped, stepping inside to look around. I noticed a sliding glass door to go to a balcony, a bathroom, closet and a tv. "I didn't know that.. I thought I would stay with Bill?" I frowned slightly.

"Oh no.. Bill will be staying here too. Everyone has their own house but they don't stay there much." She sighed while walking backwards to the door. I nodded slowly, placing my bag on the bed.

"I'll leave you to get ready now. By the way the theme is like.. red and black so wear something around those colors. And I could help with makeup if you need it." She smiled, stepping further to close the door.

"That's fine. I can do my own makeup." I mumbled, hearing her close the door and her footsteps getting farther away. I zipped my bag open, searching for the dress I packed. I grabbed a black dress with red lacing around the top and bottom. I smirked to myself, laying it down flat on the bed. I continued to pull out the same heels I wore on the day he noticed me, I smiled at the memory.

I slipped the shirt off as well as my pants, I looked around the room for a mirror to be met with my reflection from a mirror by the sliding door. I smirked at myself. I slid the dress on, it hugged my body perfectly. The hem landed on my thighs, I slid the heels on as well, I connected the straps together adding an extra pop to my look. I grabbed a red purse, shoving all my small needs in it.

I widened my eyes hearing my phone vibrate from my backpack pocket, I raised an eyebrow while unzipping it and grabbing my phone.
"6:13 Take Meds!!" I stared at the screen for a moment. "Shit.. Whatever, I don't need medication to rule my life." I huffed while shoving my phone in my purse.

I grabbed the makeup from my backpack, I grabbed my concealer and eyeshadow pallet. I began putting concealer under my eyes and on my chin and forehead. I blended it out with my finger, I tapped my brush in the tan color on the pallet, continuing to tap it on the places I put concealer. I got a light red eyeshadow, blending it on the end corner of my eye and up to my eyebrow. I did the same with grey but in the inner corner. I finished the look off with lip gloss. I smiled at my appearance, soon hearing footprints come towards my door and a faint knock.

"Valeria, we're leaving come downstairs." Tom sighed. I sat up while hearing his footsteps go away. I grabbed my purse, beginning to walk towards the door.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now