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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I looked out my window, the bright moonlight reflecting off the glass. I glanced up at the camera, smirking as I opened the drawer of the desk, I had already backed my bag, it was filled with clothes and other belongings, as well as brownies I saved just for tonight.

I grabbed the broken comb from the drawer. I stepped to the door, putting the sharp piece up to the key hole. I slowly twisted til I heard a small click, I peeked through the door, seeing nurses pace back and fourth. I narrowed my eyes, spotting the exit door. I gulped, waiting for the nurses to clear up from the hallway.

One last time, one of them passed my door. I looked back and fourth, fully opening the door. I slowly crept on my tip-toes to the exit door, It was bright and red. I looked behind me, seeing a nurse stand there in shock before grabbing her walkie out.

My eyes widened, quickly pushing the door open. The cold crisp air plastered onto my face, giving me a sigh of relief.

I instantly began running, never taking a look back.

I feel free again.

My pulse quickened as my breathing became heavier from running. I began to hear police sirens, I gasped, running behind an alleyway, covering my mouth as I watched 3 of them pass.

I let out a relieved breath, soon slowly walking out of the alleyway.

I looked around, hoping someone or a taxi was out this late. I felt tears well up in my eyes, making my vision go a bit blurry.

I'm losing hope, I don't even know the way back home from here. I raised my head up, glancing at the shop not far. I gasped, quickly running towards it.

I shoved the door open, looking around the shop. A girl with brown hair and pigtails turned her attention to me. "Hi! Welcome in." She spoke, speaking.. Japanese? I raised an eyebrow at her. "I speak English." I chuckled, walking more in the store. She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Finally an English speaker, but hi! Welcome. Anything special I could do for you?" She smiled, leaning over the counter with her chin resting on her palm. I nodded quickly, gripping on my backpack. "I need to know how to get to.. 248 West Lapon Avenue." I huffed, moving my hair behind my ear.

She gasped, widening her eyes. "That's like 3 minutes away.." She paused, laughing in between. "Turn left on the next cross over, then turn right on the end of 32nd Street then you'll see it." She smiled, pointing to the end of the road.

I grinned before stepping back to the door. "Thank you." I muttered, quickly running out the door.

I did as she said, taking as many left and rights as she said.

I smiled brightly, seeing the driveway with the giant golden gate. All around it was filled with darkness, I narrowed my eyes, stepping over the short electric fence.

I immediately began running up the long driveway, the two story house coming into view, a few windows were a bright color.

I smiled, seeing Bills car rest in the driveway, as I stepped up the steps to the door, just as I did the first night we met.

Oh how he'll love seeing me.

im gonna cry on the next one.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now