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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I rubbed my forehead, slowly sitting up from the comfortable sheets. My eyes fluttered open, I saw Bill pacing around our room. "Everything okay?" I asked. He turned his head to me, realizing I was awake.

"Sort of.. Tom got pissed at me and now I don't know where he is. I'm really stressing it." He sighed, walking over to our bed and sitting on the edge. I hummed, tangling my fingers in his hair. I slowly pulled him down onto the bed, laying his head on my chest, as I stroked his hair back. "Everything will be okay. Just calm down for a minute. Toms an adult, he'll be okay, I promise." I reassured, he nodded slowly against my collarbone.

"I just don't want anything to happen to him." He muttered, laying his hand over my waist. I grinned at his action, he sniffled, rubbing his head against my chest. "I promise you he's okay." I whispered, he rubbed is thumb back and fourth on my waistline.

"Here, how about we go get some food?" I hummed, he slowly raised his head up to meet mine, quickly nodding, smiling as he did. I chucked as he sat up off me, motioning for me to sit up as well. I slowly sat up, yelping as he picked me up bridal style. "Whoa, you're okay.." He giggled, kissing my forehead as he carried me downstairs

Bill sat me down on the stool at the kitchen island, stepping to the pantry. He grabbed 2 bags of chips, throwing to me from the pantry. I chuckled, setting them on the island. He walked out, holding a huge selection of things. "Yummy... But are we seriously gonna eat all that..? Both of us?" I frowned.

He raised an eyebrow, placing the assortment of food down on the counter. "Duh? Who cares? It's just food." He chuckled, placing the chips into a bin, along with the other items. "I guess you're ri-" I huffed, turning my head to the door to see what interrupted me... To my surprise it was Tom. Bill dropped all the food, immediately dashing towards him. I sighed while rubbing my forehead

"Get off me." Tom groaned, pushing Bill away. I widened my eyes, furrowing my brows. "Attitude much?" I chuckled, turning my head to the bags of food on the floor.

"Val. You got a fucking problem?" Tom yelled from the beginning of the stairs. I slowly turned around on the stool, my eyes meeting his. "Yeah, you're being a cunt for no reason." I clicked my tongue. He rolled his eyes, stomping up the stairs.

Bill slowly turned his head toward mine, I frowned to see his eyes gleamy, tears falling down his cheeks. I jumped off the stool, falling onto the floor, pulling his head into my chest. "I don't know what I did wrong, he just gets mad at me for no reason." He cried into my shirt.

"It's okay, maybe he just has some personal stuff going on.. Besides, you have me." I muttered, placing my chin on the top of his head. He hummed, wrapping both arms around my torso. I continued running my fingers through his hair, whispering reassuring things in his ear.

"You still wanna eat all that?" He chuckled, leaning his head up to look at me. I nodded with a smile, grabbing his hand, pulling him up at the same time as me. I stepped to all the things laid on the floor. We both grabbed each and every item, placing it into the basket.

"Hey Val?" He moved the bag of chips beside the others. I turned my head to his, he was focused onto the perfect organization for all the food. "I'm really glad I have you. You help me a lot." He grinned, turning his head to meet mine, tilting his head with a soft gaze. I shook my head with a smile, grabbing the sides of his face with both hands, pulling him into a soft, passionate kiss. His hands went to my hips, rubbing circles with his pointer and thumb. I moved my hands down slowly, I brought them down his chest. He hummed against my lips, I moved my hands up to his shoulders. He pulled away from the kiss, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Please don't leave me." He mumbled. My hand went up to his face, cupping his cheek, I shook my head slowly with a slight grin.

"Never, you're mine."

A/N: this is like 750 words. but uhh I wanted to give something cute cause the next few aren't gonna be so cute..

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now