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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞


I furrowed my brows, slowly raising up from the comfortable bed. Sophia sat at the edge, running her fingers against each thread on the blanket.

"Wanna go shoppinggg?" She smiled, dragging out the end. I hummed, stretching my arms up, I looked to my side. Bill being nowhere to be found. "Oh yeah, they went to get their cars touched up at a shop, since there's another race tomorrow." She huffed. I nodded, putting my feet on the ground.

I noticed a spot of dried up blood on my knee, I widened my eyes, quickly getting up to go to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go get ready, come downstairs when you are!" Sophia shouted. I heard the door open and close.

I took in a breath of relief through my nose. I grabbed some toilet paper, running it under the sink water. I quickly rubbed the spot on my knee, flushing it down the toilet right after.

I put my face against my palms, breathing in and out heavily. Fuck, what's wrong with me. I groaned, slowly sitting up.

I really do not wanna go shopping.


I jumped off the last stair, seeing Bill and Tom talking. Tom had his arm wrapped around Sophia as she sat with her head leaned against him with her eyes on her phone.

Bills eyes widened, quickly jumping up and running to me. I chuckled lightly, hugging him back. He pulled away, frowning at my reaction.

"What's wrong?" He murmured, I shrugged, pushing past him. I felt a knot in my stomach as if I were about to throw up. I widened my eyes, quickly rushing to the bathroom. Bill followed behind me, shouting my name over and over.

I slammed the door shut, quickly locking it. I leaned over the toilet seat, wrapping my arms around my stomach. Bill knocked on the door repeatedly, shouting things I couldn't even make out.

I sighed, the feeling of having to throw up going away. The inly thing that stayed is the headache and the feeling of guilt.

"Valeria, please open the door. Whatever's wrong I can help." Bill spoke from the other side of the door. I huffed, sitting up on my knees, grabbing on the doorknob to open it slowly. His eyes were slightly gleamy. He pulled me in, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What's wrong, my love?" He whispered, hugging me tighter.

Weirdly, him just whispering in my ear turned me on..

"I don't know.." I muttered, draping my arms around his neck. I leaned back, looking him in the eye. He smiled, slowly leaning in. He planted his lips on mine.

I grinded against his hips, causing him to groan into my lips.

"Get a fucking room." Georg shouted, walking past us. Bill giggled, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

I need him so bad I can't

I need him so bad I can't

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