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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"Val, princess. Wake up please." Bill whispered, I fluttered my eyes open, smiling at the sight. "Mmm, good morning." I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning sweetheart, or technically afternoon but it's okay." He chuckled. I slowly sat up, seeing Bill had his legs hanging off the bed, so he came to wake me up just for fun.. Cute.

"Let's go get you something to eat. Yeah?" He hummed, bringing his hand to my cheek. I nodded, smiling brightly at him. I pulled the covers off my legs, standing up off the bed, I walked towards the door with Bill behind me.

We walked down the stairs slowly. Bill held my hand as we walked into the kitchen. Tom was there, on his laptop with many papers in front of him. I scoffed lowly, as Bill walked towards him.

"Planning the race?" Bill hummed, leaning over his shoulder to see the laptop screen. Tom nodded, typing on the keyboard. "I'm doing it for this weekend and on Thursday." He mumbled, rubbing his chin. Bill nodded, looking back at me, motioning for me to walk to the kitchen. I sighed, walking past Tom.

I heard him huff as I heard the laptop shut, I looked behind me. Tom had the laptop in his arm, walking upstairs. Bill shrugged, opening the pantry door. "What do you want to eat?" He smiled.

"Anything is fine." I said under my breath, he nodded, walking to the fridge instead. I watched as he grabbed a carton of eggs, a pan from the cupboards as well.

A few minutes passed, all I could think of is Sally. I couldn't get her out of my head.. Not that I care, it just makes me uneasy. To be fair I murdered her, so obviously I will feel uneasy about it. Yui will get it soon as well.

I jumped slightly, looking down at the plate of eggs and toast that got slid to me from the other side of the counter. Bill raised an eyebrow, leaning his hips against the stove. I fake smiled, grabbing the fork and taking a bite from my eggs.

"Good?" He smiled, leaning his elbows on the island, placing his chin on his hands. I nodded, taking another bite. His hand rubbed the top of my head, messing my hair up. "Hey! That's my hair." I frowned, dropping my fork on the plate.

"Oh shush..I could make it look a lot worse.." He smirked. My cheeks turned red, he giggled, stepping closer to me, rubbing my shoulder.

I pushed the plate away, hoping off the stool. Bill sat at the couch in the living room. His hair rested perfectly on the sides of his face, they were free of products, his bare face making him stand out even more.

I yawned, walking closer to him, plopping down beside him. My head landed on his shoulder, he put his arm around my shoulder without even looking at where I was. I rubbed my face against his shirt, smiling.

The tv went on and on about who knows what. Kaulitz this, Kaulitz that. Or Sally Benford this, Sally Benford that. I wish people would forget about her.. It makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Bills fingers ran through my hair slowly. I closed my eyes, he sighed, grabbing a blanket from the chair beside him. He laid it on top of me, I snuggled up to him, causing him to smile.

"Val, did you kill Sally..?"

im sorry its short lmao

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now