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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"Yuiii, hi.. This is Valeria, my new permanent passenger." Bill smiled, dragging out the i while pulling my wrist to a girl with goggles on her head, a cropped jacket and a strapped shirt with grey baggy cargos. I gave her a smile as well as a dirty look with my eyes, I hoped she could see the hatred I had for her. She's a girl who actively speaks to him. He's mine and mine only.

Bill pushed my arm using his elbow causing me to wince and look up at him. His stance stayed the same, she nodded, pursing her lips while playing with the strings of her jacket. "I see! Hi babe, it's nice to meet you!" She smiled, sticking her hand out to shake mine. I extended my arm out, our hands linking together as I shook up and down.

"Well we better get to the car, race starts in 5." Bill chuckled, putting his right hand in his pocket and left on my waist. "Yeah, I gotta go get my bike ready anyway. See you later, nice meeting you Valeria!" Yui smiled, walking to what appeared to be a black motorcycle with blue lines and handprints on the sides.

"She rides a motorcycle?" I asked, looking up at Bill as we walked to his black Audi. "Mhm. She's a side racer, never really wins." He sighed while pulling me to the passenger side, opening the door while motioning for me to step in. Yui.. I'll remember that name.

Bill opened his door, jumping inside while starting the car, hearing a loud exhaust coming from the rear. I looked through the back window, seeing a cloud of grey smoke surrounding the car.

"3..2..1.. GO!!"

My back got shoved into the seat like last time. Bills hand moved to my thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth. My cheeks heated up, turning a light pink. I watched Bills focused face, I admired his features, he had his lips pursed, his eyes darting between the side mirrors and rear view mirror and me.

"Shit." He mumbled, I turned my head to see Tom passing us slightly. I watched the speed monitor as he went faster, it instantly went from 193-201 in a blink of an eye. He removed his hand from my thigh bringing it to the wheel, his eyebrows furrowed, his knuckles turning white from the tight grip.

"Fuck. Val press that button by the ac." He yelled, causing me to flinch. I nodded, slowly extending my hand to press it. I pressed down and watched the speed monitor go from 210-225 once again. I huffed seeing Tom and the others car back, I looked at the map on my phone to see we were almost at the finish line. I watched as Bill got faster, his speed going even higher by each blink, my body shoved against the door due to him turning sharply, I looked out the window onto the ground to see the finish line not far. He turned slightly against the curb, he sped up even more as Tom got closer, he grunted as he passed the finish line.

"Goddamnit Bill." I heard Tom say from Bills speaker in his left ear. Bill chuckled, slowing down as we came closer to the big crowd that was there before. "You did good once again baby, you're a natural." Bill smiled while rubbing my thigh.

"Thank you sweetheart." I grinned as he opened his door, stepping out and slamming it shut. He walked to the passenger side, opening the door and grabbing my hand for me to step out. I smiled at him as he kissed my hand.

"We're leaving for the club in a bit, go get yourself cleaned up love. Sophia's by Tom's car you can get her." Bill said, frowning slightly.

"Okay.. I love you.." I whispered while standing up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. He grinned, letting go of my hand to let me walk away. "I love you too." He murmured, walking away as well. He loves me. I smiled to myself, putting my hand on my chest as I walked towards Tom.

My heel's clicked against the gravel, causing Tom to turn his head towards me. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" He groaned, leaning his head against his car. The fuck does this dude have a problem with.

"Bill told me to get ready for the club with Sophia. Do you have an issue with that?" I crossed my arms as I walked closer to him. He grinned while clicking his tongue, shaking his head as well. "I have an issue with you stalking my fucking brother." He scoffed. My heart dropped, my stomach turning at the same time. My knees buckled.

"The fuck are you talking about..? Are you crazy?" I scolded, my arms still crossed. My head was spinning at the realization that someone knows. "You don't cover your tracks good enough. You think I'm dumb? I've seen you at all of our races, trying to get his attention at every step he makes. You're the crazy one." He mumbled, getting louder each word he spoke. He had no emotion on his face. But pure hatred in his eyes, he wouldn't even look at me, his eyes stayed glued to the front of him.

"Mhm.. And who will stop me? Bills mine now and always will, you can tell he loves me just by each move I make." I paused, walking closer to him. I stepped in front of him, continuing to speak. "-I may be crazy but if anything does happen I have my proof and reasons and people to back me up." I said sternly while grabbing his chin to force him to look at me.

"You tell anyone and you're fucking dead." I whispered, smiling as I let go and walked away.

I saw Sophia talking to Georg. I walked closer, beginning to greet her.

"Hi Val!!" She smiled as I leaned against the metal pole beside his car. "Hi." I smiled as well. I saw Bill in the corner of my eye, walking towards us.

"We're leaving for the club, come on."

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now