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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

We arrived to the race that has been planned for who knows how long.

Me and Bill walked towards Tom. "Where's Yui?" Bill asked him. He shrugged, wrapping his arm around Sophia. "Maybe something came up?" Tom muttered. I smirked to myself, leaning against Bill.

Obviously I know what happened, I mean I'm the one who did it but do I care? No. I don't.

"The race is about to start, you two need to get back to your car." Tom sighed, pulling Sophia to the passenger door, opening the door, allowing her to jump in. Bill shook his head slowly, his eyes being gleamy. "She wouldn't just, not show up?" He said, looking at his feet.

"Bill, let's just focus on more important shit, okay?" Tom scoffed, getting in his car. I looked up at him, rubbing his shoulder. He smiled at me as we walked to his car. He opened the passenger door for me, like always. I sat in the seat, leaning my back against the soft cushion. Soon after Bill did the same, we sat in silence for a few moments before the loud bell rang, meaning for them to go.

I was to the point I didn't even need to brace myself before we took off. I'm used to it, it's close enough to a plane taking off.. just better if that's possible.

Bills hand gripped my thigh as he took each and every sharp turn, he came close to side swiping Georg multiple times.

He huffed, taking his hand off my thigh, turning up the radio. The song "Solo" by Future playing. (I KNOW THIS SONG WASNT OUT IN 2010 BUT JUST PRETEEND OK)

I looked out the window as we passed multiple tall buildings, the bright lights from the city of Tokyo brightened the sky, along with the moonlight.

I glanced back at him, a slight glare on the side of his face from the street lights.

His hand moved around the wheel at each and every swift move of the car. It's almost as if the car drove him, just he knew every step of it.

Soon enough we came to a halt. He sharply turned, the sound of tires screeching filled my ears. He stepped out of the car, hearing loud cheering from the crowd. He came to the passenger side, opening my door.

Chants of his name surrounded me. He smiled proudly as he wrapped his arm around my waist, we walked closer to the crowd, he raised his arm up, waving at everyone.

"Thank you, everyone." He shouted. They all began cheering louder, the rest of the cars parked behind us.

Tom ran up to him, pulling on his shoulder. "Goddamnit, I remember when you sucked." He chuckled, pushing him back. Bill shook his head, snickering as he did. "Could say the same for you."

Tom rolled his eyes, walking back to his car where Sophia was.

Bill walked us to where everyone else was as the crowd started to die out. We stood under a street light just like last time, all of us talking about the whole experience throughout the whole race and the ones from before.

Gustav was in the middle of talking about his first race before Tom interrupted him. "Shut up, everyone shut up." He whispered, looking around.

Cop sirens could be heard from the highway. I felt my heart drop, my eyes widening as they got closer and closer.

Tom glared at me, as I could see the red and blue lights get closer. I gulped, looking up at Bill.

He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised. "What's happening..?" Sophia asked, looking at me and Bill. We both shrugged.

A car pulled in front of us, two cops stepping out and walking towards us.

"Valeria Presley?" One of them questioned while looking at me.

I nodded slowly, leaning more against Bill.

"You're under arrest for the murders of Yui Lyra and Sally Benford."

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now