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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

Bill carried me to our room, his hands under my thighs as I kissed down his neck, leaving dark marks behind.

I whined as he threw me onto our bed, he crawled on top of me, planting kisses on my forehead. He slowly went down, my nose, my jawline, neck and soon to my abdomen. "You're so needy.." He smiled, going further down.

His fingertips hooked around the start of my jean shorts, along with my panties. My breath hitched as a response, he chuckled, coming back up to my face. He leaned in, tilting his head to kiss me once again.

I bucked my hips, attempting to grind against his clothed member. He groaned against me, using it for his advantage to slide his tongue into my mouth.

He pulled away, his lips swollen from the sudden act. He smirked, going back down to my core. "Pretty, pretty girl." He muttered, his head getting closer and closer between my thighs.

My face began to heat up at his act. He kissed my inner thigh as a way to tease me, I mumbled something. His eyebrow raised, looking up at me as I propped myself up on my elbows. "What was that? Speak up baby, I can't hear you." He mockingly frowned.

"Hurry!" I whined, running my fingers through his hair, to give me a clear view of his face. He snickered before wrapping his lips around my clit. I clenched my eyes shut, my mouth agape, as he sucked harshly. I groaned, grinding my core against his face.

He pulled away. I huffed, sitting up more, moving my arms. "Why'd you stop." I rolled my eyes. He scoffed, unbuckling his belt. I turned my head before he took my chin in his hand. "Mmmm, eyes on me sweetheart." He smiled, rubbing his thumb back and fourth. I gulped, feeling his hand leave to go back to his belt. He pulled it through each and every loop around his jeans, throwing it to the floor as he unbuttoned his jeans with one hand. He looked down at me with lust filling his pupils, giving me a teasing glare. I slightly tilted my head as he pulled his jeans, along with his boxers down. His cock sprang up, I nibbled on my bottom lip, moving forward before he clicked his tongue. "Nope, not yet princess." Bill smiled, raising my arms up, quickly pulling my shirt off in one motion.

He sat down, leaning against the headboard. He patted down on his lap, signaling for me to sit by him. I crawled over, yelping as I felt him grab my waist to straddle him. He smirked. I moved my hands to his chest, rubbing up and down, grinding against him slowly. He let out low groans, digging his nails into my hips. "Please.." I whispered, leaning down to his neck. His lips pursed as I sucked on his soft, pale flesh. "Go on, ride me baby." He murmured, I smiled, leaning up from his neck. I propped myself up, hovering above his tip. Before I could go at my own pace his hands went to my waist, slowly guiding me down. My mouth opened, gasping at the size, moving my hands to his shoulder, gripping his shirt. He looked up at me, biting his bottom lip as he let out small, quiet moans.

I whimpered softly as he moved me up and down against his cock slowly. I clenched my eyes shut, moving my face back towards his neck. I kissed up his neck to his jawline. He quickened his pace. I moved my lips up to his, sloppily kissing him. His moans disappeared into my mouth as mine did the same.

"You feel so good.." He rasped, pulling away from my lips. My hands moved up to his hair, gripping tightly, causing him to wince. My legs shook as I couldn't continue my part. He smirked, beginning to buck his hips into me, he began hitting my g-spot. I threw my head back, moaning loudly as I did. "Right there?" Bill breathed out. I nodded quickly, beginning to grind against him once again.

I felt a tight knot began to form in my abdomen, I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. "Bill.. You f..feel s-so good.." I gasped, feeling him begin to pound into me. "Fuck!! I'm close!" I said, almost shrieking.

"Cum for me, fuck. Come on Val." He managed out. His moans blended in with mine. He pulled me down, going faster than before. I groaned, releasing on his member. After a few thrusts he pulled out, releasing on his stomach.

I grinned, moving my knees back, leaning down to kiss his tip.

He smirked, pulling me up by my jaw, kissing my cheek. My face heated up, smiling brightly. "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah? So we can go shopping." He chuckled, pecking my lips. I nodded slowly, sitting up as he pulled my wrist.

I love him.

I listened to wicked games by the weeknd while writing this.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now