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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"You're under arrest for the murders of Yui Lyra and Sally Benford."

I froze. I completely froze, I couldn't speak or move. Nothing. Bills expression had nothing but pure sadness and anger mixed in one. Tom gave me a death glare, I gulped as they walked closer, immediately grabbing me by my arms.

"I didn't kill them." I mumbled as they crossed my arms behind my back, aggressively handcuffing me. "Yeah, uh huh. That's what everyone says." One of them gritted, moving me to the car.

I huffed, getting shoved into the seat. I watched as one of them walked up to the group, questioning them.


"What the fuck do you mean?" I yelled. Tom grabbed my arms, keeping me from going more towards them. The officer shook his head, eyeing me up and down. "Look buddy, she's under arrest and there's nothing you can do for a good few days." He scoffed, shoving his notepad back in his pocket.

I watched as one of the other cops pulled Val out of the car, patting her down. Tom let me go, grabbing my shoulder.

"So? Can I bail her? Get her a lawyer like how do you guys even know it was her?" I scolded, he rolled his eyes as one of the other cops walked up, holding a clear bag with what looks to be some sort of clothing. He threw it to my chest, I raised an eyebrow looking at it.

"That's her hoodie, it was found at the scene. Her hair was in it and fingerprints and DNA left everywhere." He sighed, yanking the bag out of my hands.

I felt dizzy, my heart ached, knowing she did kill them hurts me. But she loved me? She's willing to kill for me.. is that a good thing?

"You can come to her trial, should be soon." He said, walking back to the car. I saw Val through the window, tears streaming down her face. I nibbled on my bottom lip, thinking of what to do.

"Fuck!" I yelled, kicking Georgs tire as the cars drove off. "Yo man? My fucking tire!?" He shrieked. I chuckled, clicking my tongue.

"Your fucking tire my ass." I shouted, pointing my finger at him. Tom chuckled, I turned my head to him with an eyebrow raised. "Well, she's fucking crazy. Congratulations Bill, you lost two people cause you can't let people go." He stated. I widened my eyes, gasping as he kept the same look on his face, slightly smirking.

I shook my head slowly, feeling more and more anger build up in me by the second. Gustav walked to Sophia, whispering something to her, soon after walking her to Tom's car and putting her in the passenger seat.

"My bad I loved someone. You couldn't understand cause you don't love shit accept for yourself." I said, almost screaming. His face stayed the same, not a single muscle moving. But I could tell, something I said made him think otherwise. "Why can't you see it Bill? She's a maniac. She stalked you for what? 2 years?" He yelled back.

I groaned, stomping to my car. Immediately starting it as I jumped in.

"Yeah, fucking leave like you always do!"

I yelled, hitting my forehead on the wheel multiple times before putting the car into drive.

I sped off to my house, not looking at my surroundings at all.

"What if he's right."

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now