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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"Who the hell would do such a thing." I pursed my lips, leaning my head against the couch cushion, I looked to the kitchen to see Tom whispering something to Sophia. She had a scared look on her face, those two. On the other hand Georg is sitting on the chair beside me with many papers and files on who could've done it and Valeria laying her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her neck, my hand landing on her shoulder. Her cheeks turned pink, I smiled at her reaction. Fuck, stay focused Bill. I nibbled on my bottom lip, looking at Georg, waiting for him to say something. "Good news, it isn't anyone we know. Atleast I hope.. But it was probably just a random coincidence." He stated, throwing the papers to me. I raised an eyebrow, catching them in my hand.

"It can't just be a coincidence. Our relationship was public, someone probably just went crazy." I said, going through the papers one by one. Val was being quiet since I kinda freaked out about this, I kinda feel bad I'm her quote on quote boyfriend and I'm sad over my exes death. I have a right to be sad tho.

Georg nodded. Tom and Sophia walked to the living room, still whispering stuff in each others ears. I sighed and shook my head. I watched Tom as he sat down on the corner of the couch, patting on his lap. Sophia crawled into his arms as I put my attention back on Georg. "I honestly don't know. It's not really our place to deal with a murder, we have more important matters." Georg said while putting his hands together. I nodded slowly, looking down at Val. She had her eyes closed, I'm assuming she's going to sleep.

"By the way when's the next race." Tom asked, his eyes focused on me. I shrugged, causing Val to shoot her head up. "Sorry." I whispered, she nodded, laying her head back down.

"Ermmm.. Not sure, we could plan it now.. Or when you and Sophia aren't fucking?" I snickered. Sophia's eyes widened. Tom shook his head, messing with the tie on his sweatpants.

"Shut up. We can do it now." He murmured, I looked at Georg for consideration. He nodded before standing up. "I'll go get the papers and laptop from the office." He yelled as he walked up the stairs. "Kay." Me and Tom yelled at the same time.

"Soo.. Any idea who killed her?" Tom questioned. I shook my head. I jumped soon after, feeling a vibration against my leg. Val raised her head up, leaning it against the back of the couch. I grabbed the phone, it was Val's phone the screen read "Mom" I swiped to the side, answering it, I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, nibbling on my bottom lip, the tv going on in the background.

"Uhm.. Hello? Who is this?" I heard a woman with a slight accent, I couldn't tell what one though. "Hi this is Valeria's boyfriend." I said, looking at Val, her eyes were closed once again.

"Oh! Boyfriend! She never told me.. Um all I called to say is make sure she takes her medicine and she takes them twice a day." She stated. I raised an eyebrow, looking at Tom. He raised an eyebrow back.

"Them?" I questioned, still looking at Tom.

"Mhm! Her stuff for her ocd and schizophrenia." She sighed, i widened my eyes. Tom mouthed "What". Sophia raised an eyebrow as well.

"Um.. Will do, I'll be sure to do that." I said sternly.

"Thank you so much! Have a nice day."

Before I could speak she hung up, damn. But Valeria takes more than just antidepressants..? I dropped the phone, looking back over to Tom.

"What happened?" He asked, standing up, Sophia doing the same. "Apparently Val has ocd and schizophrenia.." I said while standing up. He widened his eyes as well as Sophia.

"Goddamnit Bill, I knew something was off about her." He groaned while rubbing his forehead. I felt slight anger build up inside of me, I looked back to make sure she was still sleeping, I looked back at him. "What? There's nothing off about her." I sighed. I watched as Georg stepped between me and Tom, mumbling "Sorry" before walking back up the stairs.

"Are you okay? She's fucking crazy! Why can't you see that! She's been stalking you for like 2 years." He shrieked, making Sophia and me jump. I shook my head in disappointment. I snickered, rubbing my chin with my thumb and pointer finger. "She isn't even stalking? I've seen her at 2 races which were like 2 years apart. You're acting like this same shit didn't happen with you and Sophia." I yelled. Sophia gasped as Tom clicked his tongue.

"Soph, go upstairs and bring her with you." He muttered, pointing to Val. She nodded, walking to her and waking her up. Val hummed, being forced up as Sophia pulled her off the couch and up the stairs. "Bill I don't think you understand. She stalked you, and don't even bring up me and Sophia because we didn't even meet at a race. She didn't even know who I was for fucks sake!" His voice raised higher at each sentence.

"God, can you ever be happy for me? I brought up Sophia because of course you can love someone with no issue but something is always wrong with MY relationships. You seriously act like I can't love anyone." I shouted, he sighed, stepping backwards into the middle of the living room.

"I don't even know what to say anymore, Bill. I've tried helping you. You just don't listen for shit. Don't come crawling to me when she fucks something up." He mumbled, turning around towards the door. I watched as he opened the door, soon after hearing an engine from outside roar. I sat down on the couch, feeling guilt fill my stomach.

What if she does mess something up?

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now