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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I hummed placing the kettle on the stove top. I heard the sounds of the tea bubbling, the tv went on in the background. I froze hearing his name come from it. Bill. I need to text him, I haven't in awhile. My life is perfect now, it would be better if I was still with him tho. He completes me.

I frowned at the thought of him, I turned my head to the tv. I saw him walking with a girl, the people in the crowd booing. I gasped at the sight. "He has a new girlfriend..? Guess the getting back with him dream is over." I huffed, taking my cardigan off, placing it on the end of my couch. I glanced at the mirror. I saw blonde hair, wide, round blue eyes, a plump bottom lip but small top lip, my cupids bow stuck out. I sighed, wondering how I ever managed to pull Bill.

I gasped, hearing a sizzle come from my stove. I saw the tea spilling on the counter. I immediately ran over, grabbing a cloth to grab the kettle off. I sighed, placing it by the sink. I watched as the water dropped off the tap, I saw my reflection in the puddle of water in the corner of my sink.

I grabbed my work bottle, pouring my tea inside, along with raspberry syrup. I placed it inside the fridge. I walked into the living room, moving my hand behind the tv to turn it off.

I began walking to my bedroom, turning all the lights in the hallway off. I stepped into my bedroom, looking out the window, looking at the beautiful city of Tokyo. I only moved here cause of Bill, do I regret it tho? No. I laid down in my bed, sinking into the sheets, snuggling up to my blankets. I closed my eyes, drifting to sleep slowly.

I shot up, rubbing my eye slightly due to hearing a noise from my room, I raised an eyebrow, looking around my room. Nothing to be found. I shurgged, laying back down to sink back into my bed.

I closed my eyes, everything going fully black other than the slight moonlight from my window straight on my eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, feeling it go completely black. I fluttered my eyes open before jumping and screaming, before I could say help they covered my mouth. "Shut up." She whispered, I sobbed as she brought a knife to my face, sliding it along my jawline. "Please..." I mumbled against her hand. She shook her head slowly.

"I'm sorry.. I can't trust you. Bills mine and mine only."

I widened my eyes, gasping as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I felt dripping go from my abdomen to my thigh, the liquid going down my shorts. She stabbed me.

I yelped as she stabbed hard once more, higher up.

"Bill...- Is.. MINE!"


I stepped into the shower, washing everything off me. I hummed my favorite song as I squeezed shampoo into my hand. I scrubbed it into my scalp, massaging at each move. I left the shampoo sitting on my head as I moved back to grab my body wash and loofah, I scrubbed my body softly. All the red liquid washing off.

I smiled at my "art" it made me proud of myself in many ways.


I groaned, feeling Bills hand move on my waist up and down, whispering things in my ear. I hummed, turning my head towards him. He smiled, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Good morning, beautiful." He whispered, kissing my forehead. I giggled, leaning closer to peck his lips. "Good morning, my love." I said with a slight laugh.

"Would you like to go downstairs and eat breakfast with the others?" He smiled as i nodded, he stood up. Picking me up bridal style and carrying me downstairs. I gasped as I heard the tv go off.

"22 year old Sally Benford has been found dead in her bedroom of her apartment, police are sure it's a murder."

I watched as Bills face went cold. My heart sank to my stomach. "Who would do such a thing.." I thought to myself. While also giggling at my thoughts.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now