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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I smiled to myself, getting woken up by Bills sweet scent, and his arm around me. I'm finally getting what I've wished for all these years. 2 years I've been obsessed with him and I'm getting it now. I put my hand on his arm, rubbing my thumb back and forth. "You're mine now Bill. You can't get away from me ever." I whispered in his ear. His eyes shot open, jolting due to my words. I smiled at him, bringing my hand to his cheek, doing the same thing I was doing to his arm. "What's wrong sweet boy? Bad dream?" I hummed, putting my other hand on his abdomen, rubbing up and down.

"No.. I just thought I felt something breath on my neck." He chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. "Everythings okay, I wouldn't let anything or anybody hurt you." I smiled brightly. He sucked on his teeth, awkwardly smiling.

"I have another race tonight, would you like to be my passenger again? I'd love to properly introduce you to everyone." He said while raising his eyebrow, putting his arm on my waist, caressing it like I was a fragile artifact. "Of course." I grinned widely.

"Let's go get you cleaned up then. Yeah?" He hummed, I nodded, feeling him pick me up with no issue. I wrapped my legs around him, laying my head on his shoulder. He brought me to the bathroom, sitting me down on the countertop. "You're so pretty Val." He smiled while rubbing my sides, pecking my lips. I giggled, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Wait you don't have any clothes. We can run by your place to get some?" He asked while grabbing a spare toothbrush from his cabinet.

"Um.. Yeah, that's fine.." I frowned, "What if he leaves me there.. No he can't. He's mine now." I smirked at my thoughts.

"Val? Are you okay..?" He said, sounding worried. I widened my eyes, turn to face him, still smirking a bit but I didn't even realize. Not that I care I just can't scare him. "Yeah I'm great why would you ask?" I smiled, pulling him closer to kiss his cheek. He shrugged, walking out of the bathroom into his room. I saw him grabbing his clothes off the floor while walking to his closet, bringing an extra pair of clothes for me.

"These are my ex-girlfriend's clothes but you can wear them." He muttered while throwing them to me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Why the fuck does he still have his exes clothes.. Fucking bullshit."

"What's your exes name perhaps?" I picked up the shirt, sliding it on, moving onto the pants while waiting for his response. He gave me a stern glare. "Her names Sally... Why?" He questioned, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. I shrugged, walking back into his room.

"I'll be out in a few I'm gonna take a shower okay babe?" He smiled from the crack of the door. I nodded, continuing to walk back.

I searched every single inch and corner of his room to find any kind of evidence of who she is. I moved around what seemed to be condoms, gloves, hair comb, random movies, and multiple ids. I smirked to myself, grabbing them all, I went through them all until one caught my eye. "Sally H Benford" "I'll find you." I smiled while gripping it in my hand. Soon after widening my eyes as I heard Bill come out of the bathroom. "Shit." I muttered, putting all the ids under my leg.

"Hey princess, you alright?" He hummed, rubbing his head with the white towel. I nodded, fidgeting with my rings. He raised an eyebrow, still holding eye contact.

"Can we go get my stuff?" I crossed my arms, rubbing my wrist against my shirt.

"Yeah sure, I'll go get the car started. Oh by the way tonight after the race we're going to a club, wanna tag along?" He smiled, rubbing my head. I looked up at him with doe eyes, still sitting on the ids.

"I'd love too." I fake smiled, waiting for him to leave the room. He nodded, stepping out of the doorway, I heard his steps walk downstairs, giving me the signal. I grabbed all the ids, putting them back. Accept for Sally's. I quickly shoved it into my pocket and followed in the direction his cologne did.

I opened the door that connected to his garage, stepping inside, seeing him inside his car on the phone. I hummed, stepping closer and opening the door. I jumped inside as he hung up without even saying a word, I raised an eyebrow, fidgeting with my rings once more.

"So where do you live hm?" He asked while fixing his rear view mirror.

"Golden trail apartments, the left side." I muttered, negative thoughts filling my head. What was that phone call, is he talking about me? Is he talking about getting rid of me. I felt tears trickle up to my eyes, I watched as a few of them fell onto my hands as he backed out of the garage. I wiped my tears, thankfully without him noticing. I sighed, looking out the window.

"Val, are you on any medication?" He asked while driving down his driveway. My heart sank, I felt a lump in my throat keeping me from speaking. I'm on many.. the fuck do I say. I huffed.

"Um, I'm.. on...antidepressants.." I gulped the lump in my throat. I was obviously lying, I'm on 4 different things just for schizophrenia. He glanced towards me, pulling out of his driveway, starting to speed down the highway. He nodded, picking his phone up. I saw 3 notifications from "Tom." I raised an eyebrow, isn't that his brother.


"Go get your stuff." He muttered as he pulled to the front of my apartments. I huffed, stepping out, walking towards the stairs to go to my 2nd floor apartment. I opened my door harshly, I was met with the same exact mess I had the other day. I walked to my bedroom. I grabbed my backpack, continuing to grab clothes I loved.

I finished getting things I needed, I walked to my front door, glancing to my counter, three orange pill bottles sitting in a line. I gulped, opening my door and walking out. I locked it and I saw Bill leaned against his car, on the phone once again.

I sighed, carrying my bag over my shoulder. He smiled at me, opening the passenger door, I smiled back at him, sitting down on the seat, placing my bag under my feet. I looked at him as he got in beside me, beginning to drive away.

He turned on the radio the first thing saying. "Tom Kaulitz the street racer, gulity for murder of a 26 year old woman. But he is not being charged due to his placing." I gasped, looking at Bill. His head slowly turning to meet mine.

"It's not what it looks like"

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now