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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I stepped out of the car, hearing the music from outside of the club. The purple lights surrounding the whole building. Sophia ran to me, linking our arms together, I raised an eyebrow at her action, I watched as Tom and Bill walked closer to us. I gave Tom a warning stare. He rolled his eyes as they both walked closer to talk to

Tom nodded at the bouncer, the guy quickly nodded and opening the door for us to enter. Sophia smiled at him as we stepped inside. "Soph, come on." Tom whispered, grabbing her wrist to pull her away from me, she had "Sorry" written all over her face. I nodded, looking up to the left to see Bill.

"Want a drink? I can get us free martinis." He chuckled. "Oooo.. I'd love that, thank you babe." I smiled as we walked to the bar, it was lit up in pink and purple lights. I looked behind me to see everyone drunk and dancing a few people just making out and getting at it in the middle of a dance floor. "2 sunset martinis. Please and thank you." Bill smiled at the bartender, she nodded and winked as she swayed her hips while walking away. I glared at her with hatred. I groaned, laying my head on Bills shoulder.

"What's wrong love?" He whispered, moving a piece of my hair behind my ear. I mumbled against his shirt. "Baby I can't hear you, use your words hun." He cooed. I slowly raised my head, beginning to speak. "She likes you." I muttered. He chuckled, rubbing my back up and down.

"Don't worry, nobody can try anything.. Trust me." He reassured. I nodded slowly, my thoughts floating all over my brain, half of them being ill kill any girl who speaks to him. The other half being maybe he's serious. I shrugged it off, I agreed more with the first thought.. who knows maybe some bitch needs her teeth knocked in to know he's mine. And mine only.

I stared at the counter, hear give it to me by Timbaland turn on. I sighed hearing multiple people cheered. You would think I would be the person to party but I'm not. Unless Bill wanted me to. The bartender knocked me out of my thoughts my placing the martini in front of me. I hummed at the sight, bill handed me a straw, I took it from his hand and placed it in my drink. I took a small sip, licking my bottom lip after.

"Hey I'll be back in a minute okay?" Bill whispered. I nodded as he hopped off the stool, walking away right after. What if i follow him? I smirked to myself, hopping off as well, going in the same direction as him. I watched as he pushed past people dancing and drunks trying to find their way to the bar again, I felt my heart beating out of my chest due to the loud music and sweaty people passing by me, our bodies sticking together. I gagged at the feeling.

I passed by multiple booth's with people talking, making out, grinding on each other, drinking, whatever happens in a club. I had my eyes focused on Bill and every step he made like I used too. Until I jumped, getting pulled by my wrist into a booth onto a guys lap. "Hey beautiful. You here all alone?" He asked, taking a strand of my hair and twirling it in his finger. I shook my head quickly. "I'm here with my b..boyfriend.." I stammered.

"Boyfriend? Oh sweets I can do way better than him." He smirked, moving my hair behind my ear just as Bill did just a few minutes ago. "Leave me alone." I muttered.

"What was that?" He smirked once more.

"I said.. Leave me alone!" I shouted, trying to pull myself off his lap. His grasp never left my waist, I felt my face heat up a bit. I struggled with him till I heard a very familiar voice yell. "Let go of her." Bill snarled, stepping closer to us.

"Nah man she mine." He laughed, slapping his knee as I got off his lap, I leaned against the wall, watching Bill step closer and closer. "She's mine? And this is MY club and, you're speaking to a Kaulitz." Bill chuckled, shaking his head and clicking his tongue.

"Oh shit man, I'm sorry dude. I didn't know." He stuttered with a scared look on his face. I watched as Bills anger grew, you could tell by looking in his eyes. "Yeah, now get out. If I ever see your ass in here again I will fucking kill you." Bill said while grabbing him by his collar, pulling him off the seat. He put him down, grabbing his shoulder to make him stay in place. He grunted at each move the guy made.

"Apologize to her.. Now." Bill yelled, I sat against the booth wall, completely frozen I felt like I wasn't even awake. Just observing. He stuttered before he finished the sentence. "I'm s-so sorry ma'am... It won't happen ever again." He said, a few tears falling down his face. Bill pushed him, shouting something in German. I heard 2 guys yell at him, telling him to leave.

Bill pressed his knee on the booth, extending his hand out to grab mine. I gripped his hand as he slowly pulled me up and wrapping his arm around my waist. "I'm so sorry princess.. I'll never let it happen again." He rasped, putting his mouth above my ear. I shivered at the feeling of his warm breath on my ear. "I'm so so so sorry my love." He repeated atleast 4 times while rubbing his right hand up and down on my back, his left hand on my waist, his thumb rubbing back and forth.

"It's okay, Bill. It's not your fault." I said while stepping back. He shook his head at me. "If I didn't leave you there it wouldn't have happened." He sighed.

"It's okay. Let's go home yeah?" I smiled, moving my hand to hold his. He nodded, pulling me towards the door.

Wait he owns this club?

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now