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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

"You excited?" Sophia smiled, connecting the straps of her heels together. I nodded, rubbing my forehead with my fingertips. "Do you know why Tom doesn't like me?" I sighed, pulling down on the hem of my dress.

She nibbled on her bottom lip, avoiding eye contact. "No, he just doesn't like It when Bill dates anyone, he's very protective." She looked back at me, standing up and pulling my wrist to pull me up with her.

I stood against the wall beside the door. We were waiting for the guys to finish getting ready. Gustav already was downstairs making food, it smelled very good..

"Val? You want some?" He smiled, turning his head to meet mine. "No thank you." I mumbled, smiling back as I spoke. Bill walked into the living room with the other two behind him. He smiled, running to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"You look good." Bill grinned, rubbing my sides up and down. I giggled, feeling him come up to peck my lips. I gasped, moving my hand to touch his styled hair. "Mohawk." I smiled, running my fingers against the top of it. "Obviously." Bill scoffed.

"You fuckers ready?" Gustav shouted, grabbing his keys. Tom and Bill yelled yeah at the same time, causing me and Sophia to giggle.

Bill wrapped my hand, our fingers intertwining with each other. I looked up at him smiling. He smiled back softly. 

That smile does things to me.

 Almost makes me feel bad for what I have planned for him.

𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now