A Love Like No Other

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I know the last chapter wasn't all that interesting, but I wanted to give you all an idea of how it went down when Kim woke up.
Also, I know I made the first book basically about Kim, but this one will focus a lot more around Eddie due to everything he's accomplished (since Kim) and his trauma.

Enjoy, My Munson Babies <3.



1992. What a year it's been.
Truly, I don't think I've ever experienced a thrill such as the one I gained from the twelve months of this year. The band had thrived and accomplished more than I ever thought we'd achieve, the twins had just turned five and were finally getting out of their naughty stage, Steve and the others were coming back for Christmas and I was more than excited to see their faces, even though it hadn't been that long since the last time we met up, and then there was me.
After Kim, things went really down hill from there on out and looking back now, I was right about never getting over her. Yes, I was married and had my own little family, but I never wanted that from Chrissy. As much as I love her, she just isn't Kim.
Nobody has ever compared to her and there'll never be a day where they do, because she wasn't your average girl. She did average things, but she'd never been anything remotely similar to them.

However; For me, this year had been great, but for my mental health?. Yeah, I bet you could take a wild guess at how that's doing.

Seven years without the love of my life was a big struggle, and the pain and grief that i felt was unbearable. After she passed, I allowed myself to fall into a pit of my own misery.

My depression grew increasingly severe, and my outlook on life darkened. I was once optimistic about my future, until the day it came and I couldn't even share it with her. Everything I once worked so hard for was replaced with bitterness and anger, and i couldn't help but find myself struggling to discover meaning in a world without Kim.

I've been mourning the loss of my future with her since that day and I can never stop imagining the life we could've had together. But all those dreams, all the what ifs and maybes, were gone forever..due to her.

Everything lead back to one person, and that person was Maureen Cassidy.

I had seen her almost every single week since she was locked up in Pennhurst Mental Hospital, and it still sickened me to this day that she didn't regret what she did.

As of a few months ago, Maureen's attitude had changed drastically and I couldn't lie and say it didn't absolutely terrify me, because it did. She started to act fanatical: relentless, resolute and rock-ribbed that Kim wasn't dead and that her own daughter was framing her, which only boiled the anger inside of me to a more scolding temperature.

How could she sit there and lie?. How could she feel absolutely zero remorse for the sin she committed on her own child?. It was repugnant how much the human race didn't sympathise for much more than themselves.

Maureen didn't make much sense to me, never had and more than likely never would, but I know one day my tactics could work and she would crack, because they always did.

That leads me to today; 21st December, 1992.

The thick, heavy soles to my boots clinked off of the floor as I walked down the stairs to the highest security section where Maureen had been moved too a couple of months back. Martin, the guard, nodded his head at me as he opened the door, walking me up too Maureen's new cell where she was sat at her desk, facing the stone wall.

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