Letters : Steve

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This is Kim's letter to Steve, written in 1984, one year before her death


'To the king of Hawkins High,
Steven. I know reading this might come as a shock to you, especially since you can't read, but I'm sure Robin or Kathleen will help you out there buddy.

I just wanted to write this for you so that you'll forever know that you changed my life, for the better. When Robbie died, I thought my entire world was falling apart, and then I moved to Hawkins and I met you. It was different for us than it probably has been for other best friends, and even though we went through that small blip of whatever it was we once were, I'm glad you stayed by my side. You weren't a replacement for Robbie, and you never will be, but I love you more than I ever did with him.

I'm glad I spoke to you that day, I'm glad I didn't listen to Kathleen when she told me not too and I'm even more glad that I didn't tuck my tail in between my legs and run when you were initially rude to me. (I'll never forget that, you dick.) you really have changed my life for the better, even though I'm probably one of the most dramatic, self obsessed and insecure woman you've ever met.

I may not love you the way I love Eddie, but you'll always be my number two. I'll never forget how much you made me cry with laughter, how you always buy me Mother's Day gifts, valentines and everything gifts. I'll never forget fighting Marcus Wilson in math the day after I slept with Eddie. I'll never forget our sleepovers, our gossip about how shit our parents are. I'll never forget you, Steve.

I hope when we're old enough to get out of this shit ass town, we run. I hope we run as far away from here as possible and be the best versions of ourselves; Versions that our parents would hate. I hope we go to bars in every state and get wasted. I hope you fuck as many people as you can in each state whilst I sit back and watch you fail at half of them.

If something ever happens to me, please do it. Travel. Get a new girlfriend or boyfriend if that's what you prefer. Bring them back for Christmas, make people talk about Steve Harrington, the one who has a new lover every week, because it's fun. You're fun, and people are going to hate regardless, so why not enjoy yourself whilst they do it?.

All I'm saying, is that you're one of the better things to happen to me in my life, and if I'd never walked up to you in the cafeteria that day - I think I'd be miserable, honestly.

I love you, Steven. I always have and I always will. You mean everything and more to me and if you ever forget that I'll have Robin teach you. (You probably won't like it.)

Please, for my sake, stay Steve Harrington. Don't let anybody, not your pathetic father, not our friends, not anybody tell you that you're not good for anything, because you are. You're worth every second you breath and I can't wait to grow with you.

I can't wait to see the man you become, and I can't wait to love you forever.

From your bestest friend
in the whole world,

                              Kimberly x

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