The End Of The Fight

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When I write mature chapters I feel sick because it's fine whenever I read someone else's but goddamn why does it feel strange when I write them?. Send help.

Also, sorry for the late chapter. Please don't be mad!

Anyway -

Enjoy, My Munson Babies <3


Was this the end?. Was today the day I lost my children? - the day I lost everything?.
No. I refused to allow that fate; my fate didn't end in my life becoming worth nothing because of the woman I chose to marry. My life wouldn't cease to exist because of jealousy, and envy, and pure hatred.
I wouldn't allow it.

Chrissy sat by her lawyers side, awaiting the final decision of the judge - I could see her nerves pecking through at her, eating her alive. She knew the evidence I could show was damning, but she also knew that it meant she had lost, and that was something I knew she'd struggle to come to terms with.

"Mr Munson, you say that this is not the first time you've had to take legal action against Mrs Munson, could you elaborate, please?." The judge, Elizabeth, peaked down at me over her glasses; thin and scrawny, but scary.

She recognised me from Kim's case - from when Maureen laughed at us all in court, but that didn't mean she was picking sides - she was being as equal as she could, because that was her job.

"Uh, yeah-." I paused to clear my throat, looking over to Chrissy who couldn't keep eye contact with anybody in the room. "-more than once." My voice followed through and my eyes were met back with the judges.
I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "There have been several instances in our relationship where... she has been violent with me." I spoke quietly, my voice shaky as I admitted it aloud. The feeling of weakness and vulnerability washed over me, but in this moment, I needed to be honest. "She's thrown cutlery at me, left marks on my body, threatened me and mentally caused me just as much pain as she has physically."

The room suddenly fell into a tense silence at my words, my confession hanging heavily in the air like a dark cloud. Chrissy's head snapped up, her gaze finally landing on me, wide-eyed and shocked. It was as if she couldn't believe the words that had come out of my mouth, but I held her stare, unwavering.

The judge was quietly processing the information, her eyes shifting between the two of us before she spoke. "Do you have any proof of these allegations, Mr Munson?".

"Yes, m'am." I nodded and looked over at my attorney who stepped up from his seat and carried a file under his arm as he walked over to the judge. She smiled and whispered a small 'thankyou' to him.

As the file was placed in the judge's hands, my heart thudded heavily in my chest. It contained photos of the injuries Chrissy had inflicted on me, pictures of my face swollen and bruised, the evidence of her abuse, laid out for all to see. I swallowed hard, watching as the judge flicked through the pages and studied each image.

As the judge read, her expression remained neutral, focused, not giving anything away. My nerves were on edge, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest as I waited.

After what felt like an eternity, the judge finally closed the file and looked to Chrissy. "Mrs Munson, do you have anything to say in regards to these claims?".

Chrissy sat quietly for a moment, her gaze locked on me - I swore I could see a flicker of guilt in her eyes, but as quickly as it came, it left again. She cleared her throat before responding, her voice steady.

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