Letters : Eddie

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This is Kim's letter to Eddie, written in 1984, one year before her death.


'To my love, my only love,
I know this is quite cringe, and I'm not entirely sorry for it. I had to get my words out. I had to know that you knew just how much you mean to me. Every day that I wake up, I think of you. Every night that I go to sleep, I think of you. Sounds quite creepy, but it's true.

Though, nothing will ever stick with me the way our first encounter does. You were shocked, to say the least. Shocked to see the 'popular cheerleader' asking you for weed. Who knew what would happen a year later, huh?. And we can't forget how stubborn you were.


I asked you every time for a total of, what, a year and half?. Stubborn isn't a strong enough word. But, it kinda worked out in the end, I guess. I ended up getting my weed for free, so I see the persistence was worth it eventually.

I don't usually write these sorts of things, rather I just say them and they usually come out wrong, but writing it down feels different. Writing it down makes it easier to express my love for you.

You're the only thing I want in this life. You're the only person I want by my side in this world that is so cruel and evil. And in such a world as this, I found you. I found the light I had been searching for in that pit of darkness I brought with me from England. You make me forget my troubles, my worries and everything negative that comes with. I cannot thankyou enough for how much you've loved me, for how much you've made me feel worth it. Though, I can try.

I can't wait to share the rest of my life with you. I can't wait for us to move into a beautiful home together, to have children that have got to look exactly like you, with beautiful brown curls and piercing brown eyes that look soft and smooth like old honey. If I could, I wouldn't wait a day longer. I mean, even as your fiancé, I still can't wait to walk down that isle and watch as you cry for me.

(If you don't cry on the day, Edward..I will murder you in your sleep. That's a threat, not a warning.)

There's so many things i want for us in this life we've created yet even with this ink, I can't find the words to express what I want for us. One day, I'll be able to show you instead.

I hope this wasn't too cliché or anything, and that you understand why I've wrote it down. I'm not great with words, as you can tell, but everything I say comes from the heart.

The same heart that keeps beating for you every day.

I love you, and I'll never love another soul, not even when I'm dead (which could be soon considering how clumsy I am). I'll love you for the rest of my life and more. I'll love you when the sun explodes and every human breathing or not is wiped from the earth. I'll love you when the world dies off and there's nothing left to prove of our existence except decrepit buildings that somehow survived. I'll always love you, Eddie Munson, for as long as I can.

Please don't ever forget me. I don't think I could survive without you.

I love you, my love,

Kim x

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