A Christmas Full Of Joy

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I'm back again, and I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. Let me know if you guys are enjoying it from Eddies POV or not, because I've always struggled to write as Eddie because he's not my character and I can only write as I imagine him to be, which is probably completely different to how some of you view him and how the duffers wrote him. (He's also nearly 30 so he would be different, wouldn't he?).

Anyway -

Enjoy, My Munson babies <3



Christmas in the Munson house hold was never the expectation I had once thought it would be, back with my mom and old man, but here with my new family; everything was different.
Every year, Chrissy would refuse to allow anybody to decorate as it had to be to 'her standards' which meant me and the kids were forced into a separate room until she was done. James would try to tease his sister who, in return, would usually come crying to her daddy which meant I had to show him that it wasn't okay to be mean to his sister.

Christmas for me meant babysitting my children until their mom was done with her designing, and after that, it was my job to get the invites out and the plans all set in motion.

To an outsider, like yourself, it seems as though Christmas was merry for us Munsons, but it never was. Something always went wrong, and it was usually the minute our guests stepped foot in the room.

Joining us this year, again, would be my uncle Wayne alongside Chrissy's parents, who still to this day couldn't stand the thought of their precious daughter marrying the satanic cult king who they believed had killed his ex girlfriend.

I don't believe they need much introduction.

Then, Steve would arrive with a new girlfriend every year, and he'd always have Dustin or Robin stuck to his side, without a doubt. Billy would show whenever he and Kathleen weren't off somewhere better in the world, living a life that we all envied so much. Sometimes, I thought it better that they didn't turn up, because I only ever wanted to slap the boasting out of them.

Kim's family were the last of the bunch, but this year they were a no show. Hack usually came around noon to help set up the house, but it was always an excuse for him to get away from Michael and Andrew, and their no show this year kinda turned my clogs.

They hadn't spoken to us in a couple of months now, and I was starting to worry that it was us they were avoiding. It started around the time Maureen began to scream and shout about how Kim was alive, and that she didn't deserve to be locked up for a crime she didn't commit, and if I was smart enough, I would've connected some sort of dots by now, except there wasn't any connection for me to be aware of.

As of right now though, everything was set up perfectly for the festive day ahead of us, but I couldn't get the nagging thought of Hacker and the boys out of my head. I sat on the sofa as the twins ran around and annoyed each other, solely thinking about possible reasons as to why Hacker had been avoiding me and my family. I'd assume it was because of Kim and her death being too much for her father, but she had been gone for over 7 years now, and it had never stopped him from treating me like family before, so why now?.

Why Christmas of all times?. A time where family were supposed to come together and celebrate. None of it made sense to me.

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