Upon Discovery

36 5 11

...and the chaos starts again.
I can't believe this book is actually at that point where some shit is about to go down and you're all gonna love it. I hope.

Enjoy, my Munson Babies <3.



My eyes burnt from forcing them open for so many hours. I couldn't let them shut, not after knowing. There was no way in hell I could sleep with the lingering thought of Kim, and this time..not for the same reasoning. I wanted her back. I missed her voice, her smile, her laugh... I missed us. Even if she was just standing on the other side of a room, I wanted her there. But then there was a thought that haunted me, something that gave me pause and filled my heart with doubt...
Did she want to come back?
And if she did, would she forgive me? Would she still love me? And would she understand why I couldn't just pretend?.

I had been giving it some deep thought on the sofa as I tried to sleep - Key word being 'tried'. I had thought close on some of Hack's words.


'Hopes up'.

'Back to normal.'

Had I seen Kim somewhere without even realising?. Had Steve, or Kathy?. Did they know?. Were Jonnie and David in on the secret too, and I was the only one out of the loop?.

These questions were haunting me, and then at 5am, on New Year's Eve, a realisation hit me square in the face.

Was Kim the blonde who had been watching me?.

The thought almost broke me.

I could feel a tear escaping once more, but I did my best to keep them in this time. But if that was true... if the woman who was so close to me had been Kim this whole time then..I'd been so blind.

I knew that that feeling wasn't just nothing. I knew that my gut was trying to tell me something, and I was so blind not to see it.

But the thing with this is - how in the hell would I find her?. How in all the gods name do I go seeking for a woman who I no longer know?. Who no longer wants to be a part of this world I had created for us?.

How did I find Kim in a town full of people in disguises?.

"Daddy!." The sound of Jens crying voice cause me to jump up from the sofa in fear. My legs hurdled towards my daughter, sprinting up the steps to the home and finding her holding her knee with tears slipping from her eyes.

"Baby?. Hey, baby girl..what's the matter?." I crouched down to her level and placed one of my hands on her rosy cheek, pushing some of her dark brown, curly hair from her eyes. "Are you hurt?." I asked gently.

"James pushed me into the Lego house." She sniffled and let out two hiccups before removing her hands from her knee to show me the almost too deep for my liking gash lining the middle of her knee.

With everything that was happening to me..to my family right now, this one little thing allowed me to be filled to the brink with fury. I loved my son, with every bone in my body and there wasn't a single thing I wouldn't do for him, but he had taken it too far this time, and my anger wasn't even directed at him..it was directed at Chrissy.

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