Let The Truth Be Heard

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Hey guys, just wanted to say thankyou for all the love and support on Opposites 1!!. & the ongoing support on this book! It means the world to me.

Enjoy, My Munson Babies <3



I slumped my way into the kitchen, prepared for anything, especially due to the atmosphere surrounding me and Chrissy today. Even though I knew this was bound to happen some day, it still angered me that she chose a day she knew was already going to be a shambles, but she didn't care. Chrissy had had enough of the way our marriage worked, and it was fair.
She was done fighting this war.

"Get the door. There's somebody knocking." She shewed me away with her hand as her and Robin placed the dinner into the pots and provided cutlery for our guests.

I turned my back on her as I did a light jog towards the door, swinging the wood open quickly to see Kathleen and Billy stood, shivering.

"Well, shit." I smirked at the pair with a chuckle. "Didn't think we'd see you guys this year." I said truthfully to them as they passed by me, stepping into the house and unraveling themselves of their layers.

"We'd never miss a Munson Christmas. Our lives aren't as fascinating as you assume, Eddie." Kathleen said with a small eye roll. "But a Munson Christmas is, and I know I'd certainly never miss one for the world." She snorted before standing up on her tip toes and embracing me into her petite body.

Billy laughed, most likely in agreement.

"Well, you came at the perfect time." I scoffed lightly before taking their belongings and presents. "Uh, dinners almost served, make yourself at home. Everyone is in the dining room." I used my hand to signal where all of our other guests were as I hung up their coats and scarfs and placed the gifts by the Christmas tree.

"Steve got a new girlfriend?." Billy asked as Kathleen walked ahead of us.

"What'd you think?." I shoved his shoulder playfully as we both sniggered at our friend and his relationships.

"..your hair!." I walked in on the end of Robin's words towards Kathleen. I didn't bother to stick around for that conversation, knowing I'd only end up bored out of my mind. So, instead I headed into the dining room to see Steve and Billy hugging one another with bright smiles on their faces.

"Uncle Billy!." James shouted excitedly and jumped down from Gareth's knee.

"Look at you!." Billy crouched down and picked James up with his hands. "You've grown..what's your daddy been feeding you?. Huh?." Billy jabbed his fingers gently into James sides, causing my son to giggle at the feeling. "And don't think I don't see you either, Jen." Billy turned his attention to my daughter who was hiding her face in Wayne's chest. "What?. No hug for your favourite uncle?." Billy dropped James to the floor as he crouch back down with open arms, waiting for Jen to run into his embrace, which she did.

Jen giggled loudly as her little legs sprinted towards Billy who threw her up into the air and caught her.

As Billy entertained my children, I sat down at the table and carried on drinking away my sorrows. Well, I drank away my marriage, the same one I was never interested in anyway; the same marriage I was now grieving over.

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