Letters Unread.

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What do you guys think so far of the POV chapters?. This is the last one out of the bunch, unless there's another person's POV you'd like me to do.
Let me know!.

Enjoy, My Munson Babies <3


Hawkins had always been pretty much a waste of a town, but it was our waste of a town. I never much liked it growing up, especially with parents like mine, and the views on my sexuality. However, as an adult, things change. Things get better and you start to see people and things in a different light; a perspective you never allowed yourself to imagine.
Hawkins was one of those things. It wasn't great, it wasn't perfect, but it was home.

In the midst of all the terrible that had happened here over the years, I'd managed to find myself somebody to love, a home to feel loved in and friends who were constantly here and then not, but were still my friends, regardless.

Which lead me here. Ten minutes to three in the afternoon, in aisle three of the Fair Mart with a cart filled up with groceries for the week. Oh, and Hacker Cassidy approaching me and said Cart.

"Hack." I nodded at him, not having really known Kim's father all that well, but well enough to acknowledge the fact that he would always give me a kind smile if I needed it.

"Hello, Robin." He greeted me kindly and held his hands over his stomach with a small pile of envelopes in his grasp. "Vicky got you doing the shopping, I see." Hack smirked as he eyed up the the cart of food.

"Yeah. She's got this thing at work and we really needed groceries because we eat quite a lot so she asked if I would and of course, why would I say no?." I rambled a little to him with a smile on my face, watching as his faltered slightly before lifting again.

"Sure. Sure thing." I could tell he was stunned for words, as most people were when I rambled.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I talk a lot, I know. It's just something I do when I'm nervous." I admitted to Hack and shifted from foot to foot.

"Nervous?." He asked me with a cocked brow. "Why are you nervous, Robin?." Hack queried and waited for me to answer.

"Well, you know..out of all of Kim's friends I was the one you knew the least so you probably didn't really like me that much and of course I'm not Kathleen so I just assumed that whenever you see me you think 'thats one of the girls from Kim's group' rather than 'oh, that's Robin, Kim's friend'..you know?." A short while of verbosity later, and hack was chuckling at me.

"I don't think that, Robin." He said, his words warm and comforting. "Whenever I see you, I see you. The same goes for the rest of you, and besides, you're all adults now. You may have been Kim's friends, but that doesn't mean that's all I see." He bowed his head a little as I smiled with relief. "Anyway -." He changed the topic of conversation as he looked down to the envelopes in his hands. "-here. There's one for all of you. A couple for some people I don't know, so I'm hoping that you'll be able to pin a name to a face for me, if you would." Hack handed over the envelopes and on top read 'EDDIE' followed by 'STEVE' and 'ROBIN' and 'KATHLEEN' and even 'NANCY'. There was an envelope for each and every one of us, and I knew what they were as soon as I read the handwriting.

"These.." I trailed off as I looked through them. "Are these?.." my eyes met his again and I tried desperately hard to push back the tears threatening to spill as the realisation of what these were hit me.

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