Bitter Sweet

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.....I have no words for the last chapter.
I hope you're all enjoying the book so far, and if you're not, well that's a shame.

Anyway -

Enjoy, My Munson Babies <3


The days no longer seemed to drag along like a child pulling a toy across the carpet. The days seemed shorter, more eventful now that I had Kim back.
It all seemed surreal, as if I was dreaming the entire thing soon to wake up from the night and realise that I was just as naive now as I had been back then.
But I wasn't dreaming. This wasn't make believe. It was real and selfishly, I was glad that I had broke Chrissy's heart, because it meant I got this. No longer loving or being loved by Chrissy meant that I got to be the one person who I'd always wanted to be with, whether that was selfish of me or not.

It had been a process getting use to her being around. All it took was a couple of days for my head to wrap around the fact that she was here, but those couple of days were the most confusing ones of my life.

It was a strange feeling to have someone who had been missing fill your life once more. The empty space had been there for nearly a decade, and to suddenly have that person back in my life was a little overwhelming.

I'd experienced the sadness and guilt when she'd left, but now I could also share in the joy and comfort of her presence. I couldn't help the smile on my face, and the feelings of peace and contentment that her presence filled me with. I couldn't help but just be happy to have her back.

Within all of the new excitement that had filled my life these past few days, I had to stop for a moment and think about what I now wanted, and needed, for myself and my life.

I loved the freeness of playing on stage, watching the joy spread across my fans face's when they listened to Corroded Coffin kick ass, but it had been almost a decade since we started, and it was coming to that point in time where we were ready to move on.

But, we wasn't the right word; I was ready to move on. I was ready to give my whole undivided attention to my children and Kim, to my friends and family, even if that meant giving up something I had worked so hard for.

I'd miss it, of course. I'd miss the parties, the events, the backstages shananigans and the overall experience of being famous, but I was Twenty Seven now, and my life was ready for its next chapter. I'd have to tell the lads at some point, I'd have to tell the fans at some point, even if it scared me half to death.

That fraction of my life was over, and it was time to start new.

Underneath all that refreshment of having Kim back in my life, getting to touch her, kiss her, hold her..I hadn't given myself the time to let the guilt of keeping this secret from our friends kick in.

They'd all struggled too much with the news of Kim's death. They'd all grieved and were still mourning for her, and so I dreaded what they would say if they ever found out the truth.

The reality of what i was keeping from them made the prospect rather daunting. We'd all suffered and grieved the loss of her, and it would tear them all apart to find out that the person whom they thought was gone forever was actually right here, next to them. The weight of keeping such a huge secret from them was a heavy burden to bare, but i couldn't risk letting the truth slip out after everything I had gone through to get her back, after everything she had gone through to get back to us.

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