See Me

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Sooo....? What did you guys think?????? Was it too cringe?. Too boring?. Did it make sense?. Did I portray Kim and Eddie's 'rekindling' right?. IM PANICKING.

Anyway -

Enjoy, my Munson Babies <3


Being able to breath the same air as Eddie had my knees weak. Looking into his eyes, feeling his breath on the side of my cheek, touching his skin as if nothing had changed ; it felt so freeing. I'd always fought for freedom - I'd faked my death for it, but sitting with Eddie had made me realise that those things were never going to give me what I wanted. Those things were never the answer to getting freedom.
Eddie was.
Eddie was the answer to all of my questions, and he was my reward for all of the hard work I had put into getting that freedom.

"What actually happened between you and Chrissy?." I asked Ed from my place on the sofa, my left leg over his as my hand twirled pieces of his curls from the root.

"We'd been getting to this point for years. It was long overdue." He sighed and rubbed the inside of my thigh gently with his thumb. "She hated that I loved you more, and she couldn't stand the fact that she couldn't ever replace you. Even with two kids." Eddie didn't smile, and I appreciated the respect for his wife - soon to be ex - wife.

"How'd you two even and up..y'know.." I asked and watched the side of his face as he thought back to all of those years ago.

"She helped me get through a lot. She was there when I needed somebody the most, and she never gave up on me. I thought we were in love, and I thought she was my saviour. Turns out, I was naive." Eddie twisted his face to look at me, lips only inches apart.

"At least you got two beautiful children out of it." I said lightly, my eyes flitting from his then down to his lips, on loop.

"That I did." He smirked. "Pains in my ass, though." A chortle fell from his lips and it reverberated inside of me, causing a laugh like his own to come from my chest.

"Sounds like somebody I know." I said with a teasing smirk.

"Steve?. Yeah, he's a pain in the ass too." Eddie deflected my words onto Steve and I let out a loud laugh this time. I shoved his shoulder and rolled my eyes playfully as he chuckled. "I'm being serious. That guy never knows when to shut the fuck up." Eddie added on as I watched his eyes flutter around my face.

"No. No, he never has." I said back with a smile, letting my bottom lip fall in between my teeth.

Eddie sighed softly as the room around us fell completely still. Our breaths were picking up in pace and our eyes couldn't take a second to tear away from the others features.

We'd been deprived. We'd been separated for too long and it was starting to show. It was becoming physically impossible to keep our hands from one another and only time would tell if we were strong enough to resist.

"We can't." Eddie mumbled sadly, reading my mind. "We can't, can we?." He asked me instead this time.

"I don't know." I responded back quietly, our lips only inches apart, maybe even centimetres. I needed the space to sieze. I wanted it to disappear.

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