The Love We Share

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Going through a blip where I don't want to write anymore :/ also, sorry for the late upload!.

Anyway -

Enjoy, My Munson Babies


Home really wasn't a house; I had living, breathing proof of it. Kim was my home, as were my children, and the four of us had been through completely different houses within our lives - looking at the Mansion around my frame, you'd never think I'd once lived in a trailer.

So, I couldn't help but admire my family rather than the new house I'd bought for them, because we could've been anywhere in anything, and I'd still be at peace with them.

"Daddy! Daddy!." I heard the twins calling for me as I stood in the doorway, my eyes lingering on Kim as she absorbed what she'd be living in for maybe the rest of her life. Maybe not.

"What's up, kids?." I asked as I watched them run out from a corridor on the right hand side of the house.

The twins came running up to me, their faces bright with excitement. They both had their hands behind their backs, clearly hiding something.

"Daddy, guess what!" Jen exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Yeah, guess what!" James echoed, equally eager to share their secret.

I chuckled, amused by their eagerness. "Alright, alright, I give up. What do you have there behind your backs?." A cheeky grin filtered my lips as I crouched down to their level, witnessing the joy radiating from within their soft brown eyes.

James laughed and pulled an old looking knife that looked hand crafted from behind his back, whilst Jen held her palm out with a rusty bullet.

"Oh, no. No, no!." I heard Kim say in a panicked voice as she took the knife from James and I picked up the bullet from Jen.

"Jesus..Christ. Uhm, they're not toys, kids." I chuckled nervously as I stood up and directed my attention to Kim who held the same amused yet panicked look on her face.

"We know that, daddy.." Jen was the first to speak, and her eyes flickered from my face over to Kim's. "But they're cool!." A joyous smile spread across her little cheeks as her teeth peaked through her lips.

"Yeah, but-" Kim began as she internally fought with herself on how to respond to that. "-they're dangerous. So, you have to be careful, okay?."

I smiled warmly at Jen, amused by her insistence that the knives were cool. I could see that Kim was trying to be the responsible adult, but it was hard not to chuckle at the contrast between her serious expression and the excitement on the kids faces.

They understood, nodding their heads and running off again to do god knows what - as much as they were little nightmares, I still couldn't find myself to ever be mad at them. Having children was hard, but so rewarding.

"I want to see our room." Kim pulled on my hand, and her comment caused a deviant smirk to play against my lips.

My smirk grew wider as Kim pulled me towards our new room. There was a glint in her eye that told me she wasn't just interested in the decor. I chuckled softly, following her lead.

"Anxious to get me alone, are you?" I teased, a playful tone in my voice. She chuckled slightly, her grip on my hand tightening just a little bit.

And then we entered the bedroom, and Kim immediately let go of my hand to spin around and take it all in. The room was spacious and luxurious, with high ceilings, large windows that overlooked the expansive backyard, and a king-size bed positioned against the far wall.

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