Letters : Andrew

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This is Kim's letter to Andrew, written in 1984, one year before her death.


'To Andrew,
I hate you. Like genuinely, I cannot stand you.

The first day we spoke, you asked to take me 'sight seeing' meaning your cock. Like, who the fuck does that?. I mean, you're arrogant, obnoxious and over-all just a fucking asshole, aren't you?.

I don't know why I've written this. I don't know why I've written one especially for you, but I just want you to know that you can't get about life thinking you're the dogs bollocks. You think because you're a jock, that you're gods gift. Well, let me be the one to tell you that you are in fact NOT.

I hate the way you think you're better than everyone, the way you think everyone should bow down to you because of your stupid little title. I hate how you're so full of yourself and how you think you can just get away with being a shitty person all the time because you happened to be lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family or get a spot on the basketball team. You're a sorry excuse for a human being and I'll enjoy seeing karma come around and bite you in the ass someday.

We could've been friends, You know?. We could've really gotten along, the way I do with Tommy and Steve, but for some strange reason..you're a douchebag.

I didn't really need to write this to you, it won't change much about our 'friendship' if that's what you want to call it, but I thought you ought to know how I felt about you.

I hope one day you will realize that there is more to life than being a self-centered dick. Maybe one day you'll look back on this and think 'maybe I wasn't such a good person', but even then you'll never be a man I want to associate with. You'll never be someone I'd ever respect. And maybe one day, you'll learn that you can't just walk around treating people like dirt whilst expecting them to like you back. It doesn't work like that in the real world, Andrew. People deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and if you can't do that much then you're just living your life all wrong.

Hopefully you'll grow up and learn someday. Maybe one day, if you're not such a dimwit..we could be something close to friends, but until then; you're a narcissist asshole.

Yours truly,
                     Kimberly Cassidy :)'

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