Exploiting Conversations

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I went to see Talia Mar in Manchester last week and oh my god she is so beautiful. Also, bare with me on this chapter. It was a quick draft of what I wanted to write but I just have been way too busy to make it as detailed and good as I hoped so please don't hate!.

Anyway -

Enjoy, My Munson Babies <3


Drained; I was exhausted, tired and completely DRAINED.
There was something keeping me going, someone that was keeping me sane and that was my sole reason for doing what needed to be done.
Eddie was quite literally the only reason I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, ate three meals a day and why I still had some fight left in me.
Eddie was the sole reason for my existence.

I kept a brave face always, especially around Eddie and the kids - though, that didn't mean I felt brave. Inside, I was slowly deteriorating ever so slowly and now I was in this constant loop hole of pain and suffering - all because I needed to win this fight; I desperately needed to put an end to my mother.

Though, dare I call her that. She did nothing close to being a mother when it came down to me, nor Johnny or David, especially not Andrew and Michael - how could a thing so vile and vindictive be aloud to breath her soul into the world whilst the people she trapped, suffered the consequences of her hand?. No. There was no way I could walk gods green earth knowing that the monster who took my life away with the back of her hand was capable of drawing breath.

Leading to the point; there was only one thing I knew I could do to find justice or vengeance for the sinful acts of Maureen Cassidy, and that was to take matters into my own hands.

Today, I'd arranged a meeting with Fahida, Vern and Anton to see if they had had any developments in a certain plan we had discussed. And eye for an eye. However, Eddie decided that he had a rather more perfect idea, one that I heavily disagreed with.

"Baby, I'll only be gone 3 hours, tops, 'Kay?." Eddie said to me as he pulled on his coat quickly and uncomfortably. "They'll be fine!. You'll be fine!." He had a great, big, stupid grin on his face as he walked up to me with his hands out, grabbing my cheeks and pulling my soft lips onto his chapped ones.

"I can't, Eddie!." I hissed at him as he turned to face away from me, towards the entrance door of my apartment. "I have somewhere to be. A place they cannot come." I followed in his direction, watching frantically as his fingers littered around the long kitchen island, collecting his: car keys, wallet, cigarettes and a small stack of cash notes.

"I can't take them with me." His eyes met mine as he body spun to me. He inched closer as he whispered. "Sonya wants to discuss this production problem for the tour and I have to tell her to scrap that, because I no longer want to be a part of that tour." He smiled a little sarcastically at me before standing up straight.

I looked up at him with panic eyes, wide and almost screaming 'that doesn't help me in this situation!'.

"Eddie." My tone was blunt. "They cannot come with me." I narrowed my eyes as I attempted to look determined.

Instead of sighing, groaning, agreeing with me; Eddie chuckled and ran his hand over my cheek. "Whatever you're supposed to do isn't as important as James and Jennifer - rain check. They're staying with you." His fingers rose up my cheek as his palm engulfed it and his lips were pressed firmly against my forehead. "Daddy will be back soon, you guys!. Be good and I love you!."

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