October angst week: 1

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Prompt: Lovers to Enemies, "Say you never loved me. Say it."

Using my OCs Lara & Castor.

Lara's pov:
"Say you never loved me. Say it."

Castor's calloused hand was wrapped around my throat like an iron clad, blocking my veins. The suffocation was making me dizzy, blood trickling from my forehead didn't alleviate the situation either.

"I... *cough* never... *cough*..." The lack of oxygen was preventing me from talking. What was I going to tell him? That I did not love him?

Liar. I loved him. Still do. Madly, since the day we agreed to work together. Falling for the enemy. Pretending to be friends while I was to betray him in the end. But my feelings were never included in the plan.

He was majestic in every way and it made me hate him more. His pretty eyes, his warming smile, the way he beamed when he talked about the things he liked...

I wish it didn't turn out this way. It was supposed to be me and him against the whole world, not me against him.

Tears were streaming down my cheek as Castor increased the pressure, cutting my air wholly. Was it worth to fight back, when he was the right one in this situation? Was I going to let him kill me and end it all?

Mother, I'm so tired. I want to go back home, when I was a little kid roaming around. Does it worth to fight for the greater cause? I do not know; I just want it to end.

"Lara. Answer. Me." Castor gritted his teeth,  stepping dangerously close to me.

"P-please, stop it..." I managed to choke out.

Without a warning, Castor retracted his hand, slamming me down to the ground.

"For the last time, just fucking answer me!" He growled, knuckles going white from pressure.

"I-I did love you, okay?! It was not supposed to happen. I was simply going to earn your trust and obtain the information. But I fell in love with you along the way. I didn't expect it! You think it's easy for me?! Having lie to you while we spent every single moment together?!" I burst out in a pathetic attempt to catch my breath.

"You could have told me!" Castor shoot back, his eyes darkening.

"You know I couldn't! Some things do not solely depend on me! But my feelings for you, they were all real!" I sighed, managing to stand up.

My body was all beaten up, covered in blood, and I was about to get shot. I had no energy left to fight back, maybe I should give in.

"Will you kill me?" I took a step closer to him.

"Give me a reason not to." Castor laughed mirthlessly.

"Go on then, shoot me," I raised my arms up, body trembling from a surge of emotions.

Castor's hand was shaking, his gun pointed at me.

I should distract him and run away. Yet leaving meant never seeing him again. How could I let go the love of my life, when I could care less about what others said. Him over anyone. This was my choice. Yet ironically, my choice was about to end me now. 

Escape is the only solution, I can't let myself be killed. I took a few steps back, very close to the edge of the skyscraper. Our crew was visible on the ground, waiting for me.

"You know, Castor, I have always loved you. Since the day you pointed that dagger to my throat at Lupin's. It was never my intention to lie to you, I couldn't do it otherwise." Tears blurred my vision, yet I kept continuing; I had to say it all before I jumped.

"Loving you has been a blessing and a curse. Tragically beautiful, like the way you are. Healing my broken pieces. However this fight ends, please understand that I will always choose you." Without waiting for an answer I closed my eyes, finally jumping off the building.

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