October angst week: 4

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Prompt: "It, uh, it was a dare."

Using my OCs Mitsuki and Castor.

Castor's pov:

"It, uh, it was a dare. I... I'm sorry."

As if a hundred needles were pressed into my skin upon hearing Mitsuki's words. A dare now, huh? All these moments were just for a dare? Funny. I read it in her eyes, she loved me. Either Mitsuki is a way too good at acting or she is lying. Bet it's the latter one.

"Go on and lie to me, angel." I let out a hearty laugh, voice dripping with venom. "Tell me that it was a stupid lie and you are a coward who can't deal with her emotions."

Something in my eyes must have influenced her, she seemed small all of a sudden, biting her bottom lip nervously. We both knew she wanted me, too ashamed of herself to admit it. Mitsuki was attracted to me and in love, the way she beamed when we were together made it obvious.

"Cat got your tongue, Mitsuki?" I took a step closer as her back hit the wall. "Do you hate me that much to accept that you are in love with a notorious type, the opposite of your prince Charming? Are you running from your desires?"

"I-I'm not... " Mitsuki stuttered, avoiding my eyes. Too late now, I read her like an open book, her knuckles were white from pressure, lips about to bleed from how hard she was pressing them.

"Look at me, angel," I lifted her chin up, forcing her to meet my eyes, "look at me and tell me it was all a lie, a stupid dare."

"It was all a... lie," she squeezed her eyes shut, blushing furiously under my scrutinizing gaze.

"Oh, come on now, Mitsuki, open your eyes." I gritted my teeth. "Such a shame, I expected much better from you." I taunted her.

I'm no fool to fall into her trap like that. I leaned forward, our foreheads nearly touching and whispered, "Degrade me because you hate the fact that you love me, huh? You want me so bad that it drives you mad with desire. Oh darling, you think I don't see the way you look at me? Like you want to me to belong to you only. Or all the stupid excuses you think of just to spend extra five minutes together? Pathetic, honestly, when you know I can give you the whole world, you think of reasons to hate me. Just remember, angel, it won't make you want me less. You are way too obsessed and your little attempts at controlling yourself don't work anymore. Give in and let me take you there."

"N-no... it-it's not like that..." Mitsuki's breath hitched, heat radiating from her face, "You're wrong..."

"Which of us is wrong, angel?" I let out a smooth laugh. "I can sense your feelings from miles away. Tell me, Mitsuki, if you do not want me then why do you react like this, hm?" I ran my finger along her soft cheek. Instantly, she sucked in her breath, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Just as I predicted," I smirked, enjoying her reaction, "See, love? Don't be ashamed that you want, no, almost need me now. Like oxygen, you can't stay away and you're mad at yourself because of this. Just know, angel, suffocating your feelings and shaming me is not a solution."

Grinning, I took a step back, and without waiting for an answer I left the room.

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