Thursday, 28 Dec

7 0 0

The art of eye contact.

Holding hands. The millisecond fingers touch.

I think until I physically cannot. And then signs come. Double the signs, in case I become delusional and ignore the first one. God always knows what passes through my head and heart.

It is literally what I dreamt of, to the very bit. Feels weird, a little funny even. How the tables have turned in a short time. Butterfly effect. Every little act.

Sometimes I feel like I am floating in the air. It feels so right, without any unease. To be perceived. To be seen. Small interactions. I am unable to describe it in merely words; these sensations need to be lived. It feels like to touch the glimmering stars in the night sky, unattainably tempting. Combination of unreal, serenity, familiarity. Like the place I belong. Why do feelings arise? How do you know it is what it is? My heart is so full yet words are not enough to express these sensations. I yearn for it so much, so intensely that it is rooted in my being.

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