October angst week: 8

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Prompt: Villain seeing the other's scars, asking "Who did this to you?"
They smile and reply, "I did."

Reader x Chuuya Nakahara

Chuuya ran his dagger through the cuts on my skin, outlining the marks on my arm.

"Who did this to you?" He gnarled, fire dancing in his eyes.

"Why? Will you avenge me or something ?" I laughed, trying to brush it off.

"I will." Chuuya replied solemnly, anger seething off him.

"I did." My voice was shaking as I admitted aloud, first time ever talking about my scars. Finding strength, I raised my eyes, meeting his.

Horror. Anger. Shock. Guilt. A series of emotions flickered before Chuuya's eyes as he tried to process my words. His jaw tightened, only to be replaced with grief in his eyes.

"But... why?" He asked after a while, furrowing his brows. "Why would you ever do something like that to yourself?" Chuuya demanded, confused and frustrated.

"We all have our secrets," I smiled sadly, avoiding his scrutinizing gaze.

The truth is it all happened years ago. It felt so good to live through the pain, at least it made me feel something. Watching blood drip, mixed with tears. Ashamed, I was of these scars. Whatever I did, they were never completely faded. I had to live with the reminder of my sorrows and weaknesses.

"Y/n... look at me," Chuuya lifted my chin up, forcing me to meet his brown eyes.

"Drop it, Chuuya." I sighed, the subject was too much for me to discuss.

Shaking his head, Chuuya lowered his dagger, still holding my arm. Without a word, he leaned towards my scars, lips touching my scarred skin.

The image of my enemy kissing my scars could not even appear in my dreams. Unable to utter a single word, I watched Chuuya as he gently kissed every faded line. His slender fingers brushed against my burning skin as he continued stroking my arm.

"Please, don't..." he silently muttered as he stepped back, a single tear glimmering in the moonlight.

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