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One of my favorite topics is finally trending.

Never associated something gore themed (cannibalism) with love, yet this one is quite fascinating

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Never associated something gore themed (cannibalism) with love, yet this one is quite fascinating. Feeding off each other pomegranates as a token of mutual love and equal devotion.
Extra details: secluded forest, candle, apples, primroses, pumpkins.


Why did Persephone eat the seeds? Just because she was hungry? Was there any other motive? Isn't she smart enough to see through Hades's tricks? Maybe she ate those six little seeds because she wanted power. Or really loved Hades. Or she was running from something above the Earth. Maybe Hades granted her freedom she had long desired. An escape from mother whom she loved dearly. Or it was comfort in the arms that others dreaded. The monster of the Underworld whome she found solace in.


It is in human nature to consume the feelings and bodies when in desire. To fully love might mean the need to occupy the mind and body of another being, to completely devour the "Holy Trinity". Until the point of no return, till it shakes every cell of the existence. Love should not make someone lose their mind, yet it should drive insane. The need to feel it in every atom of your existence. When the physical contact is not enough, you need to feel their soul, entangled with yours. To surpass the visible barriers and become one.

Piece by piece, the ruby red of pomegranate seeds stain your hands. It does not come off easily. The half-sour and half-sweet taste, reminiscent of duality of human nature. Yet you continue to taste the fruit, savoring every second. The sourness is not the most enjoyable thing in the world, yet you decide to consume. And maybe, in the end when you finish the pomegranate, you decide you liked the sourness, after all. And now pomegranates are your favorite fruit.

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