Planet series

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The Sun is alone, but it still shines

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The Sun is alone, but it still shines.
The rays are completely alight, ready for an inevitable explosion. Heat and blaze cover the void, burning every item on their way. The mighty Sun, never needing anyone else, once was a hazy cloud, rising from the ashes. Now, it leads every other entity, bending the rules in its favor. Yet when the Sun is alone, does the brightness fade away? Day and night, being the bearer of the light, does it tire the Sun? Is the heat warm enough, or does the flames sting? This was never easy, to be the source of inspiration when heavy battles engulfed inside of the Sun, threatening to explode one day. Yet it still holds its head high, and continues to shine brightly.

The moon doesn't glow itself, the only light is the reflection of the sun

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The moon doesn't glow itself, the only light is the reflection of the sun.
Always depended on others, the Moon is so afraid of staying in the dark, thus it is feeding, clinging dearly on Sun's light. It is the alluring beauty of the Moon, illuminated by the sun's rays. Yet without the warmth, Moon is left without a spotlight, away from attention, feeling inferior and alone. The Moon is only magnificent under the hands of others. Does it feel empty, embracing its flaws? The dark side of the Moon, always so sombre and aloof. Yet the Moon, accepting its reflective nature, continues to show off all it has, unable to shine on its own.

Mercury, the forgotten planet

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Mercury, the forgotten planet.
So minuscule, sometimes regared as if invisible. Uninvited, until someone remembers when it's too late. Bathing in melancholy, staying in the shade of gigantic celestial bodies, poor Mercury keeps its hopes up. One day, maybe one day it will get the deserved recognition. Neglected and abandoned, slowly fading into dust, Mercury bares its teeth, just to continue reminding others of its existence. "Merely to be seen, is it too much to ask for?" sitting by the stars, wonders Mercury. Full of untold secrets, abandoned Mercury wishes one day to be restored to its former glory.

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