October angst week: 5

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Prompt: caught drinking, depression

Using Selena & Rob for this one.

Rob's pov:
The second I shut the door close I sensed it. The room smelled so much alcohol that it was obvious Selena was drunk. Again. There she was, lying on the floor with a bottle of Chianti in her hand. Selena's eyes were sunken, grief dancing in her gaze. Her chestnut brown waves curled around her head, giving the illusion of her floating above the ground.

"Not again," I sighed, my voice stern.

Selena gently lifted her head, rolling her eyes as she saw me approaching. "Not now, Rob," she shut her eyes close.

"Just leave me alone for once," she scoffed, observing my furrowed brows.

"Stop it, you're destroying yourself, Sel," I shook my head.

Selena had been drinking like a madman since Liam got killed in the shooting, blaming herself for his death. Isolating and drinking, she was going to get herself killed.

"It doesn't matter," Selena hiccuped, not moving an inch on the floor.

Loosening my tie, I sat down next to her , observing her disheveled state and fragile body. Once happy and full of life, Selena had now lost concerning amount of weight in two months, her cheekbones protruding. Eyes hollowed and always red, she didn't let anyone see her crying. Appetite gone, I had to force her to eat her, otherwise she'd starve herself.

"Rooob, come drink with meee," Selena stuttered over her words, taking a chug from the wine bottle.

"You are drunk again, you promised you would stop," I rubbed my forehead exhaustedly.

"I promised I would try to stop," Selena giggled, taking another sip.

"It won't help, you know? Drinking will not bring Liam back," I responded pitifully.

"Don't you dare to say his name now!" Selena spat out, eyes blazing with fury.

"Hush now, calm down. It's been months, you need to move on, Selena," I sighed, looking into her hazy eyes.

"No." She merely shook her head, bringing the bottle close to her lips.

Before Selena could react, I grabbed the bottle from her hand and went towards the sink, pouring the red liquid down.

"Hey!" She exclaimed behind me, yet it was late now.

"Stop poisoning yourself, lady." My hand found the door handle, "It's hard for me too. For all of us. But drinking will get you only so far. Remember, life continues and we are all here for you." I closed the door, leaving Selena alone with her demons.

Selena's pov:
If I drink too much, can I die from the alcohol poisoning? My temples are drumming hard against my skull, I've had too much wine tonight. It doesn't matter, seemed fun. I force myself to stand up, leaning against the couch to catch my balance. Time doesn't heal, nothing does. I can't make pace, the war inside me is destroying me to the pieces.

It should have been me. Instead of Liam's lifeless body lying on the ground, bruised skin with blood splattered all over, it should have been my body instead. Angelic, he even looked peaceful when dead. What is the point of living when your loved ones are not alive anymore? Is life worth continuing when they are not here to share moments together?

I hate myself for drinking; Rob is right, I should stop. But when sober, these thoughts are eating me alive. To pass the bridge and unite with Liam, would it happen so soon? Probably not. So, I continue poisoning myself until my system reaches the breaking point.

The wine had made me dizzy, I can feel my eyes closing. Sleeping. A useful method of blocking my mind. Drinking and sleeping. My two saviors. I force my legs to carry my heavy body to the bed, unable to control myself. Tomorrow is another day; for some it is the water of life, for others a poison. It is the latter for me.

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