October angst week: 6

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Prompt: Hanahaki disease

Reader x Megumi Fushiguro

"What has happened?" Megumi panted, trying to catch his breath. The second he heard about you collapsing on the training grounds, he ran to the hospital, worried.

Itadori and Nobara shared a meaningful look, shaking their heads.

"Nothing serious, Fushiguro, she didn't have enough sleep last night," Nobara tried to brush it off.

"I'm not a kid, Kugisaki. Tell me what's wrong with Y/n." Megumi demanded, not falling for the brunette's lie.

The truth was that you were sick. Not like influenza or any other disease that would pass in a week. Yours was worse, more agonizing. The second you saw a single white petal falling after a cough, you knew it. Hanahaki disease. Unhealing, you knew unrequited love had the potential to end you.

Megumi. He was the one haunting your dreams. Merciless Cupid decided to shoot his arrow as feelings struck your heart upon seeing young Fushiguro. He was the one capturing your aching heart, bringing salvation to your turbulent mind.
His deep blue eyes, jet black hair and soft skin. Megumi was indeed handsome in every way. A little shy and cold, he was the type you would go after. Your body was aching just to feel an ounce of his love, yet he was not aware of your feelings. And would probably reject you, even if he knew.

Thus you dreamt, thoughts becoming heavier until one day you felt a single petal fall to the ground as you coughed. The fate didn't smile in your direction; your disease started to become more serious over time with bloody flowers. Doctors urgently recommended for you to confess as you reached critical state, or else end was near. However, you couldn't risk a confession and destroy your existing relationship with Megumi, and chose to surgically remove the flowers. This decision meant that your romantic feelings towards Fushiguro would vanish as well. You didn't mind, suffering was much worse than accepting Megumi's friendship.

"Y/n, are you sure?" Nobara raised her brow, looking at you with worry.

"You could have just told him, y'know," Itadori shrugged, not liking your decision.

"I am sure, guys. I'm going into the operation. Time to remove these flowers," you quietly said, "and feelings."

"Oh, Y/n... Don't regret it later." Nobara waved as you entered the operation room to remove Hanahaki disease.


"She has... what?" Megumi quietly asked, not believing Nobara's words.

"Yes, dummy, she was in love with you. And yes, she is in the operation right now because you loser would reject her if she confessed."

Fushiguro stood thunderstruck, not exactly sure on how to process the information.

"But why... she didn't tell me?" He asked, worry reflected in her eyes.

"What was she to tell you? "I'm coughing bloody flowers because I'm desparately in love with you?"" Itadori mimicked your voice, his expression slightly annoyed.

"Don't even think of talking to hear about this once Y/n recovers, Fushiguro," Nobara took a step closer, warning Megumi.


Three months had passed. Three joyful months. You were happier than ever, Hanahaki gone as if never existed in your system.

Megumi watched with animosity as you walked in the training grounds with Inumaki. You had acted as usual with him in the past months, yet something had changed inside Megumi. There was this unexplainable feeling for you that created butterflies in his stomach everytime he saw you. Megumi had started to notice every small detail about you; the way your eyelashes fluttered, how the tone of your laughter differed when you laughed with Itadori and Kugisaki, how the wind caressed your silky hair. You earned a soft spot in Fushiguro's heart, he had realized it.

Megumi clenched his jaw; the way you seemed happy with Inumaki right now did not sit right with him. He should have been the one to make you laugh instead of Toge. Was he jealous? Very much. Yet the reason of his selfishness, Megumi couldn't admit it was what he thought it was. Your relationship was friendly as usual, but Megumi had sensed the inevitable. The regret was eating him alive; the alternative scenarios in his head left not a second for rest. But it was over long before; your feelings were gone with the operation, relieving you from worries and burdening him with thoughts. Sighing, Megumi watched after you as you continued your walk with Inumaki.

Cough cough.

Megumi let out a small cough, the weather was cooling down as September stepped in. Looking down, Fushiguro froze for a second; for the cough was not due to cold temperatures. Below on his foot, lay a single white petal, the messenger of the tragic news.

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