lyrics writing: isabel larosa

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Song: more than friends - Isabel Larosa

You make me think that I'm crazy

Am I hallucinating or is he acting out of his demeanor? Is it me or does gaze feels a little different? More intimate, as if it is a secret shared between us. His proximity is dizzying my mind, resistance slowly breaking. I wish it is double-sided, I don't want it only to be my imagination.

Just let your fingertips trace me

The temptation is so high right now it is making me shake. The idea of his fingerprints graze my skin would buckle my knees. How would it feel to taste him at last? The closed distance between us, sensing him so close, panting against my skin, finally giving in. Confessing all the hidden secrets.

My heart's racin' now, I just can't take a breath

My heart skips another beat as I see him approach closer. I'm battling with my demons to keep him out of my conscience and it seems that I am the one to lose. The only game where I enjoy the defeat. I love watching him shatter me to pieces.

I'm catchin' you starin' again
I swear all this shit isn't just in my head

The way his eyes pierce my soul. Honey brown pools gleaming in the sunlight. His gaze strips me naked, seeing right through me. I am nothing but a weakling when it comes to him. Feels too unreal to exist only in my head; I know these are not the delusions.

I know that we're more than
Friends, friends, friends

I knew it since that cursed day I dragged myself into this mess. There is no going back now, we are floating in the void. The borders are so blurred that nothing can be measured. We both understand it; it is more than a friendship. I hate labeling, always did. So I let it consume my whole being over and over.

I need
Need your hands on my waist, please
Save me
God, don't let me die waitin'

I can't hold myself anymore. So improper, these thoughts shouldn't cross my mind. Yet I'm unable to control it, the desire makes me mad ever time I see him. His hands on my waist. Lord, one can only imagine how good he would feel against me. One touch and I will reach Nirvana. He is my only savior; I am drowning in an endless ocean and only he can rescue me.

Can't keep waitin', bitin' my tongue
Holdin' my breath stuck in my lungs
Feel us changin', comin' undone

The impatience is killing me; I'll draw blood if I keep biting my tongue at this rate. My breath is gone, lungs begging for an ounce of air. The way the relationship between us is changing, no one can stop it now; way too late. Funny, the way he says all these words as if it doesn't mean anything to him. Yet under the mask I sense, his desire, chained into morals. Coming undone as we open up, enjoying the adrenaline rush. Rush of seeing each other, enjoying the chaos. Testing to see how much it is possible to resist before breaking.

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