reflections on love.

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Came accross this account while mindlessly scrolling on TikTok

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"Is love a choice, or a feeling you can't control?"

Feeling arise by themselves. Love is not a choice, yet one can choose to continue loving. When one is aware of his/her feelings, he/she can control it. Yet the way the feelings are formed are in the subconscious level, thus can not be controlled to not to occur. You realize one day that you love someone, how it became this way, you never know the exact date. However, one can choose to continue having certain feelings.

"Is it more important to love or to be loved?"

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"Is it more important to love or to be loved?"

To be loved. Ironic, to love someone who doesn't love you back. A person who truly loves you is a better option as he/she is there for support. On the other hand, you should always love yourself first. Love life, love every little thing... It brings joy to life and to the will of living. However, loving things and people that are detrimental to you is never an option; there should be a balance between these two options.

The first love. Color pink and all butterflies. Sweet dreams and utopian wishes. It makes you put on your rose colored glasses. Stupid girl, did you think that your first love would be the one? Though sometimes it is, the first love is often the first heartbreak. Oh, how you pray for them to stay with you till the end. Sleepless nights. The more you wish for them to be your endgame, the more they turn out to be a disappointment in the end. Then you remember all your effort and watch your first love slip through your fingers, leaving you with a baggage of memories. 

The second love. The most traumatic heartbreak as well. It makes you believe in love again, believe in "not every person is the same" again. Yet it turns out that every person is the same. It gives you hopes, watering your deserted heart, hoping for baby blossoms. Yet the second love is as cruel as a snowstorm. It will rip your newly-healed heart apart, leaving you with shattered pieces once again.

The third love. A heart broken twice does not see anything as a surprise. It is afraid to search for love, but secretly wants one. Your heart is tired, tired of being yet again mistreated. When the third love enters your heart, it comes with a promise; hopeful yet determined. And your heart accepts the gamble, betting with your vulnerability again. You close your eyes and pray, pray hard that this is the final try, the one love you seeked for long. The third love admits, it is not as exciting as the first one; nor as promising as the second one. However, it swears an oath to be the most caring and supportive. And with a blink of an eye, you find yourself fallen, deeply in love.

Are we merely fools in love, desperate to feel?

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